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Re: Problems with selecting and de-selecting files/folders

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Problems with selecting and de-selecting files/folders

WinSCP 4.2.8 (Build 818)
Windows XP Home

1) When I click on a file/folder, a dotted line rectangular box appears around it. It's unclear what that represents. If you follow the Windows protocol, a selected file/folder should have a gray, transparent rectangle appear on it. In WinSCP, you have to Ctrl-click on a file/folder to have the gray box appear on it.
2) When I select more than one file/folder by using the Ctrl-click or Shift-click methods, gray boxes do appear. So it's not clear what the dotted-line boxes represent
3) I am unable to de-select files/folders. The default Windows selection mode is such that if more than one file is selected and then you click on an unselected file/folder, that file/folder becomes selected and the previously selected files/folders become de-selected. That does not happen.
4) Clicking twice, slowly on a file/folder more than once, should highlight the file/folder name. That does not happen in WinSCP. You have to Ctrl-click

Best regards,
