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Topic review


Re: Non FTP version of WinSCP

If you want to disable FTP, you have to do it on the server side!

Re: Non FTP version of WinSCP

The intent was to have SCP and sftp enabled. That way usernames and passwords would not be sent n clear text. The source readme file indicates the parameters to pas to the compiler to accomplish this but I have been unable to locate a Borland C++ Builder 6 Pro or personal compiler.

Re: Non FTP version of WinSCP

What would that be good for?

Non FTP version of WinSCP

Is there a possibility of posting a NON-FTP version of WinSCP on the download site? I have a need for such a version and have downloaded the source but can't seem to get a copy of Borland's C++ Builder 6 anywhere. I would be willing to make an appropriate donation to the project
