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Re: leftmost end of my WinXP system tray the text "scp35921"

tharris wrote:

Computer = Lenovo X200. O/S is WinXP Professional 2002 SP3. WinSCP version = 4.1.9.

Recently noticed at the leftmost end of my WinXP system tray the text "scp35921". Does this text come from WinSCP? If not, let me know (and if you happen to recognize where it does come from. If so, can you say why, and whether it can be turned off?

I still don't know where it came from, but I think now it was not WinSCP at all. I determined that it was a toolbar (since it was on the toolbar list) and when I uninstalled some recently-installed form-filling software, and then turned off this "scp35921" toolbar, it was no longer available on the system tray toolbars list to turn back on. So that was probably it.

leftmost end of my WinXP system tray the text "scp35921"

Computer = Lenovo X200. O/S is WinXP Professional 2002 SP3. WinSCP version = 4.1.9.

Recently noticed at the leftmost end of my WinXP system tray the text "scp35921". Does this text come from WinSCP? If not, let me know (and if you happen to recognize where it does come from. If so, can you say why, and whether it can be turned off?