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Problem fixed. Not sure why, but deleted the Session and recreated it, and it worked fine. Had done that 2-3 times previously to no avail, but for some reason it now works.


Re: WinSCP PuTTY error: "Unable to Open...Host does not exist"

What protocol does your WinSCP session use? What protocol do you want WinSCP to use with PuTTY?

WinSCP PuTTY error: "Unable to Open...Host does not exist"

I continue to receive the following error even after upgrading to the latest WinSCP version. Strange thing is, I have other stored sessions in WinSCP that do not have this issue.

I receive the following error message (in WinSCP) when trying to open a PuTTY session:

"Unable to open connection to (IP Address. Host does not exist."

I have checked all settings and permissions of the problem-session vs. the other one that does not have an issue. All same.

Help! Thanks in advance.