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Topic review


No, this post is from January 2004.

Yes, there is now an API. There's a heading that reads ".NET & COM Library" at the top of the page that leads to it.
VB6 Developer

API Development

Hello prikryl,

I just saw this post was dated Jan 2014, and I was wondering if within the past year, you had been able to develop an API for use with your WinSCP product?
Thank you!

Re: Need Programmatic access: does WinSCP have an API?

WinSCP does not have any API. I may create a DLL in future, but I do not plan it now. However you are free to use source code of WinSCP.

Need Programmatic access: does WinSCP have an API?

We are interested in potentially using WinSCP. However, our application requires programmatic accesses (i.e., from an application, not from a breathing human being). This means that we would need an API to be able to use WinSCP, but we have not seen an API with this product. Does your product currently have an API and, if so, where can we view/retrieve it? If it doesn't, do you currently have plans to create an API for WinSCP? Thanks!! :?: