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Can you connect with any other client?

WinSCP not connecting while wireless

So I just downloaded the latest version of WinSCP (tonight) & installed on several PC's.
When I attempt to connect to my Linux Laptop (Ubuntu 10.4) while it is Wireless (802.11N) with any of my PC's (One Win7, others Vista) to the Linux box with WinSCP it times out and will not connect.
When I plug the Linux Laptop into the Router via ethernet (also the wireless router) I Can connect and use WinSCP.
I have tried turning off all the Firewall items it still will not connect wireless.
The Linux Laptop can get to my other servers and connects just fine to the Internet either Wireless or Eth.
This is the Inside router, not the internet gateway. DHCP is handing out addresses one IP apart (x.x.x.104 wireless & x.x.x.105 wired).
Has anyone run into this issue? I have played with this for many hours with no resolution.