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Re: WinSCP Default Gateway Problem

I can imagine WinSCP causing problem when being run (while I'm not aware of such problem on the other hand). But just cannot cause any problem when just being installed. It does not change any settings on the machine, not it does change anything in the system.

Yes you understand this right.
So the problem need to come from WinSCP.

Re: WinSCP Default Gateway Problem

Do I understand right that after you have un-installed WinSCP, you no longer have problem with network connection?

WinSCP Default Gateway Problem

We have installed a Windows 7 PC with the application WinSCP.
Every 2/3th startup of the PC we have no network connection. Issue is, that the ipconfig shows me 2 default gateway's. One is our normal DHCP Gateway and one is

I searched for the problem and uninstalled WinSCP everything is working and i do not have the problem with the gateway. Is this a known problem from your site? is there a setting or something like that which we can made?
