But in your case you need to quadruple the double-quotes actually. See also here:
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
So have you resolved your problem or not?
Not yet can uhelp me to solve this pbm
So have you resolved your problem or not?
Hi if special Character in filename i got the Error Message
Error Code : 2
File or Folder doesn't exist
p.Arguments = "/console /command " & """" & "option batch on" & """ " & """" & "open " & My.Settings.FTPUsername & ":" & My.Settings.FTPPassword & "@" & My.Settings.FTPIp & """ " & """" & "put " & My.Settings.DestinationPath & "\" & vgrid.Item(1, i).Value '& """ " & """" & "exit" & """"