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Topic review


Ohhhh Great
I thought .exe with /console was the same as .com
Now it works


You need to use instead of .exe.

Wrong return value when using /command option

The return value is probably as it should be - I just fail to understand why. :(

My computer is Windows Server 2003 X64
My version of WinSCP is 4.2.9

When I use the command option in WinScp I would expect the return value to be 1 if just one of the commands are invalid. It doens't seem to be the case however.

Below is a (extremely) simple example:

C:\winscp429>WinSCP.exe /console /command "sds" "exit"
C:\winscp429>echo %errorlevel%

The first command is invalid, but still winScp returns 0 - can someone please explain why.
How can I be sure my dynamic scripting worked as planed?
I get the same result in a more advanced case where I connect to a sftp site with an invalid privatekey.