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Re: Synchronize via command line: how to adjust timestamp?

martin wrote:

For synchronization, preserving timestamp is enabled always.
Please post a log file showing synchronization of a single file.

Oh, that's embarrassing for me, because the test today didn't work with "put -preservetime" either. But it works actually with "Total Commander". This fact was the reason about one month ago to test it per script with WinSCP on that FTP server. You must believe me, that it worked there. Unlucky I didn't notice the "log" switch then.

For now you can take a look on the logs: winscp-test.7z (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>) (you need the recent 7Zip or Peazip).

(Please be so kind and delete the link here after downloading the file.)

Re: Synchronize via command line: how to adjust timestamp?

For synchronization, preserving timestamp is enabled always.
Please post a log file showing synchronization of a single file.

Re: Synchronize via command line: how to adjust timestamp?

I think, I should add my comments here.

I use WinSCP 4.3.1 on WinXP SP3. The FTP server supports MFMT extension ("put -preservetime" works fine.)

I wrote a batch script which looks according the following (excerpts):

echo open "session_name" > %temp%\winscp.tmp

echo synchronize remote -criteria=time %local_path% %remote_path% >> %temp%\winscp.tmp
echo exit >> %temp%\winscp.tmp

%WSCPath%\ /script=%temp%\winscp.tmp

In General Preferences (or what it is called in English, my natural language is German) "Preserve Timestamp" is activated ("PreserveTime=1" in WinSCP.ini).

Despite all that timestamps are not preserved on my remote space.

Is it a bug, a missing feature or PEBKAC?

Wouldn't it better to support "-preservetime" (and "-nopreservetime" of course) for synchronizing explicitly?

Re: Synchronize via command line: how to adjust timestamp?

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

Synchronize via command line: how to adjust timestamp?


when using the synchronize option in GUI, there are options (set for the session) to adjust the timestamp between Windows and Unix (I sync with a unix server so this is crucial to me).

I am now trying to do the same with command line, but can't find the option. Is the option there?
(I also tried to open the session created with the GUI, but couldn't find a way to open it from command line.)

Thanks for the great software,