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Re: translation - winscp portable

You can use installer with /nocandy switch.

translation - winscp portable


i want to use portable version to avoid opencandy (i dont want to install it).

But how I can add a translation to latest stable version 4.2.9 ? Because if i download a translation file: winscp display error saying that this language is a newer vrsion.

Already i have read this:

The installer installs the executable into the file WinSCP.exe. It corresponds to name of the downloadable translation files. For example, the Czech translation has the name WinSCP.cs. If your executable has a different name, you need to rename the translation file to the same name. This applies in the case where you download the portable executable with a name like winscp400.exe.

in my case trans. file and winscp have the same name.

any help?

thanks in advance.
