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Topic review


Documentation as a file

I'd like to second the motion to have the documentation standardized into a PDF.
This would be very valuable, in quite a few places where the tools are available for use, but the availability to access the internet to review documentation on web pages is not possible.

Re: Creating a File of the Documentation

That's a plan. But long term one :)
Susan Mathews

Creating a File of the Documentation

Hello Martin, I would like to ask If you can create a PDF file or a windows Help file of the whole Documentation of Winscp(Including FAQs, Guides, Support, Scripting, Protocols and Requirements). It would really help a lot of people that uses this software of yours if they can just read everything on it like a user manual since not all people can or would like to connect to the internet just to read the guides that you have on your site.

Please consider this request and thank you for making such a very efficient program to help our FTP needs. :wink: