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Re: Directory Uploading Failing

Please try version 3.4.2. V3.5 has one bug which may (but may not) cause this. Let me know.

Re: Directory Uploading Failing

martin wrote:

What version of WinSCP? What protocol (SCP/SFTP)? Does it happen with every directory, or only empty directory or only the one particual directory? Any destination directory? How do you upload the directory (hot key, drag&drop, etc)? Thanks.

Hello again!
Well, i am using winscp Version 3.5.0 Build 204, and the protocol is SFTP (allow scp fallback).
It happens with both empty folders (almost 100% of the time) and full folders, in the event drag and drop from my local computer to a remote host.
I am uploading to the directory
directory:drwx--x--x 2 gravacoes gravacoes 4096 Jan 27 14:04 administrador/

I am using the user gravacoes, that belongs to the group gravacoes (this group can write in the folder administrador as shown).

Any idea? Thanks!

Re: Directory Uploading Failing

What version of WinSCP? What protocol (SCP/SFTP)? Does it happen with every directory, or only empty directory or only the one particual directory? Any destination directory? How do you upload the directory (hot key, drag&drop, etc)? Thanks.

Directory Uploading Failing

I got a user called gravacoes (its group also is called gravacoes), with the following permissions on the "administrador" directory:

directory:drwx--x--x 2 gravacoe gravacoe 4096 Jan 27 14:04 administrador/

When I try to upload an empty folder (directory) that is in my computer, the program crashes with the following message:
Access violation at 0055BCF1 in module WinSCP3.exe
Read of address FF00000C.
Any ideas of what's going on?
Thnks in advance!