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Re: Get File Transfer Breaks, if server not pusing hard enough

James wrote:

I agree with the comment in the code that filling in the gaps would be very difficult.

However that's is probably the way I'll go. Maybe in next version.

Get File Transfer Breaks, if server not pusing hard enough

The get (from server) file transfer breaks with WinSCP, if SSH_FXP_DATA does not return the number of bytes requested (<). This may be reason for of the some SFTP copies that fail for larger file transfers. I understand that WinSCP is attempting to maximize the channel by sending future requests. Perhaps, if the server is not sending back full messages in the SSH_FXP_READ requests that the client sets a flag, which will indicate that the client should go into a get-and-wait state for future SSH_FXP_READ messages.

putty/sftp.c::int xfer_download_gotpkt(struct fxp_xfer *xfer, struct sftp_packet *pktin)

I agree with the comment in the code that filling in the gaps would be very difficult.
