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Re: Custom Command Greyed Out

Custom commands are supported with SCP (and indirectly with SFTP) only.
Anyway, you cannot implement custom command for upload.

Custom Command Greyed Out

Version: 4.3.2 (1201)
OS: Windows 7 SP1
Protocol: FTP Explicit TLS
GUI version


I'm looking to set up a couple of simple custom commands to allow users to easily upload images to a folder on a FTP server. Just for testing, I've tried implementing a simple remote command like "cd /this/directory", but the command appears as a greyed-out button after I add it.

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

What could be getting in the way of allowing this command to execute? I noticed a similar post (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>) where the user mentioned that he had to use SFTP instead of FTP. Is this a cause?

Thank you in advance for any assistance!