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Topic review


Re: speed of sftp

Please, next time, can you take a time to post some more information? You have not posted any information which may help me to track down your problem.

OK, you have different speed from linux. Is it speed from the same computer to the same server? Do you measure the speed by yourself? Or is it value reported by the client? Do you use same SSH protcol version, same encryption?

Also trying other Windows SFTP client (not Linux) may be more relevant to compare. Etc, etc...

speed of sftp

I have in linux sftp client 2 mb\s speed.
Why so different speeds?

Re: speed of sftp

The best you can do to check if it it normal is to try other SCP/SFTP client.

speed of sftp

I have slow speed of SFTP. I have 100mbit network. On SAMBA 3,5M/sec, on sftp 130 kb/sec. Is it normal?
What does you have speed?