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Here is some of what happened when I just tried to open a file for editing..

Ascii transfer mode selected.

Opening remote file.
Type: SSH_FXP_OPEN, Size: 101, Number: 22531
Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 24, Number: 18436
Discarding reserved response
Waiting for data timed out, asking user what to do.

Every day - on any server I get this issue.

Occasionally it will hang.. or timeout and need to reconnect.. or fail to change directories.

starting to get annoying..

happens with both FTP and SFTP here.. so maybe not same problem as you.

I've find solution

Looks like my provider block all traffics on no standart ports. when I changed port back to 22 server working perfectly again with WinSCP

me too

I have noticed this a lot lately too.

I am using latest WinSCP on Windows7 64-bit.

Strange problems with some servers


I've problems with some servers. When I connect to it by WinSCP 4.2.8 (Build 818) . Connection is very poor. too many disconnects, and very bad file downloading.
But other servers working very well.

Maybe it is because I use Key file for connections, or server location problem.

I'm little confused.