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Re: problem with exclude mask (again?)

martin wrote:

You need to set the exclusion mask before the get command.

hehe, so easy...i should have found it myself...but i didn't! Thanks a lot, it works great!

Re: problem with exclude mask (again?)

You need to set the exclusion mask before the get command.

problem with exclude mask (again?)

Hi there,
i've got a problem with the exclude mask. Even though i've read several posts about this problem, i cannot find the solution.

Inside a "test" folder, i have 2 folders : "1" and "2". I want to download all the "test" folder (with all the subfolders and files), but not the folder "1". (sorry i'm french and not fluent in english)

I use this kind of script:

option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
get test/
option exclude 1

kinda easy...but it downloads everything. Am i wrong?
Thanks in advance.