martin wrote:
You probably mean winscp.dll from WinSCP plugin for FAR. The DLL relies on FAR manager environment, so cannot use it unless you "emulate" FAR envorinment. This would be too difficult I guess. If you have C++Builder 6, you may use the source code of WinSCP. You need just ScpCode.lib library (core subdirectory).
BTW, I'm going to delete your other 6 duplicate posts.
Hi!, Thanks for the help, Now I Understand this:
TTerminal *Terminal = new TTerminal();
TSCPFileSystem *SCP;
TStrings *FilesToCopy = new TStringList();
TCopyParamType *CopyParam = new TCopyParamType();
TFileOperationProgressType *OperationProgress = new TFileOperationProgressType();
bool DisconnectWhenComplete = true;
Terminal->SessionData->PortNumber = 22;
Terminal->SessionData->HostName = "";
Terminal->SessionData->UserName = "fvelez";
Terminal->SessionData->Password = "cyber_morfeo";
if (Terminal->Status != sshClosed){
SCP = new TSCPFileSystem(Terminal);
CopyParam->TransferMode = tmBinary;
SCP->CopyToRemote(FilesToCopy,"/home/fvelez", CopyParam, 2,
OperationProgress, &DisconnectWhenComplete);
That's OK? my aplication include putty.lib, scpcore.lib and SCPFileSystem.cpp, but send the next messages:
Unresolved external '_fastcall ShowExtendedException(Sysutils::Exception *, System::TObject *)'
Unresolved external '_fastcall GetRegistryKey()'
Unresolved external '_fastcall GetSessionPassword(System::AnsiString, TPasswordKing *,System::AnsiString &)
Unresolved external '_fastcall SshVersionString()'
Unresolved external '_fastcall HandleExtendedException(System::Exception *, System::TObject *)'
Unresolved external '_fastcall Busy(bool)'
Some :idea:?