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Automatic Bug Reports
Operation not allowed on sorted list - System::Classes::TStringList::InsertObject
Invalid access to memory
Operation not allowed on sorted list - System::Classes::TStringList::InsertObject
Invalid access to memory - _is_ssh
Invalid access to memory - _findrelpos234
Invalid access to memory - TRemoteFile::GetFullFileName
Invalid access to memory - Vcl::Forms::TCustomForm::CloseModal
Nieprawidłowy dostęp do pamięci - _get_pfwd_seat
Virheellinen muistiviittaus - Vcl::Forms::TCustomForm::CMActionUpdate
The error occurred when connecting to raspberry pi 4B with ubuntu 20.04 OS
Invalid access to memory
Privileged instruction - System::Variants::VarToCurrency
Invalid access to memory - TSessionData::SetFtpAccount
External exception EEFFACE
Out of memory - TRetryOperationLoop::DoError
Invalid access to memory - Tbxstatusbars::TTBXCustomStatusBar::SetSimplePanel
Invalid access to memory
Error listing directory '/var/www/mama/storage/app/public/absensia' - TSCPFileSystem::ReadDirectory
Invalid access to memory - Tbxextitems::TTBXEditItem::
Unzulässiger Zugriff auf einen Speicherbereich - Driveview::TDriveView::GetDriveToNode
Invalid access to memory - System::TObject::ClassName
Error al intentar examinar el directorio «/var/www/html/»
External exception EEFFACE
Nieprawidłowy dostęp do pamięci - Tb2item::TTBModalHandler::Loop
Unzulässiger Zugriff auf einen Speicherbereich
Acceso a memoria no válido - Tb2toolbar::TTBCustomToolbar::CMShowHintChanged
Acesso inválido à memória - TRemoteFile::GetIsInaccesibleDirectory
Invalid access to memory - TGenerateUrlDialog::TGenerateUrlDialog
Invalid access to memory - System::Internal::Strhlpr::UnicodeEqual
Copying files from remote side failed - TScpCommanderForm::FileOperationProgress
Invalid access to memory - TRemoteFile::GetIsHidden
The system cannot find the file specified - Vcl::Graphics::TIcon::HandleNeeded
開始時のメッセージ省略のエラー。選択したシェルは WinSCP 互換ではないかもしれません。 (bash をお勧めします) - _get_pfwd_seat
Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended) - _is_pfwd
Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::UpdateSessionTab
Invalid access to memory - TTerminal::GetIsCapable
Invalid access to memory
Invalid access to memory - TSecureShell::SshFallbackCmd
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TTerminalItem::OverrideItemStatus
Invalid access to memory - TDownloadQueueItem::TDownloadQueueItem
Copying files to remote side failed - TTerminalManager::UpdateAppTitle
Invalid access to memory
Cannot disable WinSCP auto updates - causes VBA error
External exception C0000006 - @TUnixDirView@DDDragDetect$qqrirx19System@Types@TPointt226Dragdrop@TDragDetectStatus
Error reading MessageForm.Left: External exception C0000006
WinSCP keeps crashing
Invalid access to memory - Pathlabel::TCustomPathLabel::DoDrawTextIntern
Invalid access to memory
Invalid access to memory
Invalid access to memory - @@Synchronizecontroller@Finalize
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