Problem with console and automated synchronize



Problem with console and automated synchronize

I am having trouble getting the synchronize command in the console to do anything.
I have a session called didb that is properly configured and connects properly to the server I am trying to synch to.
I have a script called syncher.txt with these contents:
option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
option synchdelete
synchronize remote \\PRINTSERVER\didb\GerberPNG /c:/downloads/GerberPNG

Then from the command line I run this (in my WinSCP3 working directory which is "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP3\): /console /script=syncher.txt didb
and here is a text capture of my result:

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP3> /console /script=syncher.txt didb
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "root".
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] didb
batch        on
confirm      off
transfer     binary
synchdelete  on
Comparing '\\PRINTSERVER\didb\GerberPNG' with '/c:/downloads/GerberPNG'...
I had them synched and deleted one of the files on the remote side before testing to make sure it would copy it back.
When I run the synchronize command in the gui it sees the missing file and will synch it if I let it. I don't understand why my script doesn't seem to do anything.
Please help. (I am probably doing something stupid)
Thanks for your time.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Problem with console and automated synchronize

Have you tried it with the very same directories in the GUI? Because GUI does not support UNC paths, so I wonder how do you get into '\\PRINTSERVER\didb\GerberPNG'.

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Re: Problem with console and automated synchronize

martin wrote:

Have you tried it with the very same directories in the GUI? Because GUI does not support UNC paths, so I wonder how do you get into '\\PRINTSERVER\didb\GerberPNG'.
Originally I was trying it mapped to my Z: drive which worked in the GUI but not in console so I switched to UNC just to see if it made a difference.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Problem with console and automated synchronize

ToxMox wrote:

Originally I was trying it mapped to my Z: drive which worked in the GUI but not in console so I switched to UNC just to see if it made a difference.
I do not understand. What did not work in the console?

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Neither way works in the console. I was just trying variations to see if it made a difference and in the example I posted above was just my latest attempt.

Using mapped drive Z: in GUI mode works fine. Z: is mapped to \\PRINTSERVER\diDB

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