Upload site changes fingerprint (certificate) every 6 months - how to automate this?



Upload site changes fingerprint (certificate) every 6 months - how to automate this?

I have a site that changes its fingerprint (certificate) every 6 months. I have a script that uploads a file to it on a daily basis. I am only alerted to the cert change when the company contacts me and says they have not received a recent uploaded file. How can I code in the script to update the fingerprint if a new one is available? The GUI asks me and I respond yes to save the new cert. Then I have to go to the session details and copy and paste the new fingerprint into the script. Hardly seems like the best way to handle this. Thanks in advance to all who respond.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Upload site changes fingerprint (certificate) every 6 months - how to automate this?

Please understand that verifying the certificate is integral part of securing the connection. While you can make WinSCP script automatically accept any certificate using -certificate=*, the connection won't be secure anymore:

The ideal way is for the FTP server to use certificate signed by a trusted authority. That way, you won't have to verify it explicitly in your script.

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Upload site changes fingerprint (certificate) every 6 months - how to automate this?

Thanks for the reply. I understand what you are saying about security. I will have to ask if the FTP site holder has a trusted authority cert. If they do not, then I guess I am back to my manual way of updating my script every 6 months.

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