Delay on exit



Delay on exit

I am scripting an automatic file download from a server. Everything works fine, except that there seems to be a 20 second delay after it's complete. The last two commands in my script are "close" and "exit". The delay appears to be happening after the "exit" command. Is this by design or am I missing something? Is there a way to turn off that delay? Thanks!

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Austin, TX, USA

Thanks for your reply, Prikryl. Since you hadn't heard of this behavior, I thought maybe it was due to something on my end. I did a bunch more testing to see if I could provide you with some more information. In the process, it looks like I may have found a solution. I tried both versions of the program in console mode (using either "" or winscp3.exe /console"), but they performed identically.

For my testing, I simply ran the program and then entered "exit" to quit. The delay only occurs if both of the following are true:
1) The program is run from a network. (I'm running a Novell NetWare v6.5 IP-only network here.)
2) The program is either run with the "/ini" switch and the entire path to the ini file is specified (ie- /ini="F:\Shared\Programs\WinSCP3.ini"), OR the "/ini" switch is NOT used, but a WinSCP3.ini file DOES exist in the same directory as the executable.

The solution I found was to simply run the program using the "/ini" switch without specifying the path (ie- /ini="WinSCP3.ini"). I should also note that the program and the ini file are both located in the same directory.

Since this problem may simply be due to settings related to my network, and because I have a reasonable workaround, there's no need for you to go hunting down this particular gremlin. But I thought I'd post up my results just in case you do. And if there's anything more you'd like me to try, please let me know. Thanks!

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