Multifactor Authentication
We have been using WinSCP to connect to an Enbridge site (
The existing code before the Multifactor Authentication was added is below under the asterisks. Now there is a authentication login before the execution of the code below:
.i.e. if you type
How do I incorporate that new first login into the code below.?
I would appreciate your help. The programmer who wrote this code unexpectedly passed away and we are in a time jam to get this working. Thanks in advance,
We have been using WinSCP to connect to an Enbridge site (
The existing code before the Multifactor Authentication was added is below under the asterisks. Now there is a authentication login before the execution of the code below:
.i.e. if you type
– you will see the Globalscape authentication.
How do I incorporate that new first login into the code below.?
I would appreciate your help. The programmer who wrote this code unexpectedly passed away and we are in a time jam to get this working. Thanks in advance,
FUNCTION enb_login IF !ISNULL(osess) RETURN .F. ENDIF **************** TRY osessopt = CREATEOBJECT('winscp.sessionoptions') err = .F. CATCH err = .T. ENDTRY IF err = .T. = AERROR(_err) =display_console('019', 'ER', _err(2)) RETURN ENDIF TRY osess = CREATEOBJECT('winscp.session') err = .F. CATCH err = .T. ENDTRY IF err = .T. = AERROR(_err) =display_console('020', 'ER', _err(2)) RELEASE osessopt RETURN ENDIF TRY otransopt = CREATEOBJECT('winscp.transferoptions') err = .F. CATCH err = .T. ENDTRY IF err = .T. = AERROR(_err) =display_console('021', 'ER', _err(2)) RELEASE osessopt RELEASE osess RETURN ENDIF TRY oresumesupport = otransopt.resumesupport err = .F. CATCH err = .T. ENDTRY oresumesupport.state = 2 && turn off transfer to temporary file IF err = .T. = AERROR(_err) =display_console('022', 'ER', _err(2)) RELEASE osessopt RELEASE osess RETURN ENDIF WITH otransopt .transfermode = IIF(enbridge.transfer_mode = '01', 0, IIF(enbridge.transfer_mode = '02', 1, 2)) ENDWITH WITH osessopt .protocol =IIF(enbridge.protocol = '01', 0, 1) .hostname = ALLTRIM(enbridge.url) .username = ALLTRIM(enbridge.login_id) .password = ALLTRIM(enbridge.password) .sshhostkeyfingerprint = ALLTRIM(enbridge.host_key) .portnumber = IIF(ALLTRIM(enbridge.port_number) = '01', '991', IIF(enbridge.port_number = '02', 22, ' ')) IF !EMPTY(ALLTRIM(enbridge.private_key_path)) .sshprivatekeypath = ALLTRIM(enbridge.private_key_path) ENDIF IF !EMPTY(ALLTRIM(enbridge.private_key_pass_phrase)) .sshprivatekeypassphrase = ALLTRIM(enbridge.private_key_pass_phrase) ENDIF ENDWITH TRY err = .F. CATCH err = .T. ENDTRY IF err = .T. = AERROR(_err) =display_console('023', 'ER', _err(2)) RELEASE osessopt RELEASE osess RELEASE otransopt RETURN ENDIF IF gm_bill_co = '4' RETURN .F. ENDIF from_dir = '/Biller'+enbridge.biller_code ofiles = osess.listdirectory(from_dir) DIMENSION rem_fls(10) FOR i = 1 TO ofiles.files.count IF ofiles.files.item(i - 1).isdirectory = .T. rem_fls(i) = '/'+ofiles.files.item(i - 1).name+'/' ENDIF ENDFOR gm_remote_base_dir = ' ' FOR i = 1 to i ofiles = osess.listdirectory(from_dir+rem_fls(i)) FOR j = 1 TO ofiles.files.count IF ofiles.files.item(j - 1).isdirectory = .T. IF ofiles.files.item(j - 1).name = 'Input' gm_remote_base_dir = rem_fls(i) RETURN .F. ENDIF ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR RETURN .T. ENDFUNC