Mouse jumps out of window at start of click+drag


Dallas, TX

Mouse jumps out of window at start of click+drag

I haven't noticed this issue until I setup my monitors in a unique way. I have 3 monitors, the center one is horizontal and the two sides are vertical. Both sides extend up beyond the top of the center monitor and about an inch below. You can see a screenshot here. Center monitor is selected as my main display in settings.

Issue: When I start to drag my mouse to select files (either in remote or local window), the mouse does one of 3 things: 1) jumps to what I imagine is (0,0) which is the top left corner of the center (main) monitor, 2) stutters pretty harshly and moves maybe 1/10th the speed as usual, or 3) works perfectly normal.

#1 happens when WinSCP is on my left monitor when the remote/local window is scrolled all the way to the left. Happens on right monitor when the remote/local window is scrolled right some. Also happens on center monitor when remote/local window is scrolled right some, another window is selected, and WinSCP isn't the selected window.

#2 happens when WinSCP is on my left monitor when the remote/local window is scrolled right some, doesn't really happen any other time

#3, the expected behavior, happens when WinSCP is on main or right monitor and remote/local window is scrolled all the way to the left

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Mouse jumps out of window at start of click+drag

Thanks for your report.
Let's focus on the first problem for now: "the mouse ... jumps to what I imagine is (0,0) which is the top left corner of the center (main) monitor"
Can you reproduce the problem without the right monitor?
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Hey, I got the same problem.

Maybe some more information that could help to narrow down the origin:
  • This happens for me even with WinSCP-5.9.4-Portable (I did not delete all my settings) BUT the bug first appeared around August/September.
  • This might be a result of a Windows 10 Update or maybe a NVIDIA Update?
  • I am also using 3 Monitors (left and right are vertical)
    • On left Monitor the mouse jumps to top right
    • On middle Monitor the mouse jumps to top left
    • On right Monitor the mouse jumps to top left
  • The Mouse jumps depending on the scroll-bars locations of the window.
Middle/Right monitor:
  • Mouse does not jump to a corner if the two scroll-bars of the window are at top and left (initial position)
  • Mouse does jump if one of the two scroll-bars is not at the initial position.
Left Monitor:
  • Mouse does not jump to a corner if the two scroll-bars of the window are at top and right
  • Mouse does jump if one of the two scroll-bars is not at the top and maximum-right-position
  • While making a selection the mouse gets laggy/unresponsive and one CPU-Core will rise to 100%
Synchronization checklist window has the same problem for me (See

Possible reasons tested and ruled out:
  • Not Antivirus related
  • Not related to Window-Management software
Possibly related Specs:
Win 10 Pro x64
Intel i7-5820k
Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080


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Dallas, TX

@martin I've downloaded and tested the build 5.11.3-4e1c825. With all 3 monitors on it acts exactly the same. With the right monitor disabled, it works the same except for when it's on the main monitor. If the remote folder is scrolled right a little, when I try to click+drag it resets back to that same (0,0) point on the screen.

Do I need to send over the debug log?

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Mouse jumps out of window at start of click+drag

Thank you both for your reports.
I was able to reproduce the problem now.

But it indeed looks like a bug in Windows or some driver (I have Windows 10 and Nvidia).
I can reproduce the problem with any multi-select list view.

Please test this simple C# WinForms application:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
It manifests the same problem for me.

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Dallas, TX

Very interesting, glad to see that you've managed to narrow it down so quickly. I'm on Windows 10/nVidia driver too.

It does the same behavior exactly, I've even tried making my far left monitor the main monitor and it always resets the mouse during the drag event to the 0,0 of the main monitor. It works fine when you're not scrolled down the list which is odd.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Thanks for your test.
Then it's indeed not a WinSCP problem. Hopefully it gets fixed in Windows (or wherever the problem is).

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