Unable to open script.txt
C:\Programme\WinSCP3\WinSCP3.exe user@host.de /console /script=xyz.txt
xyz.txt is in C:\Programme\WinSCP3\
If you do not provide full path, then the path (or file name) it relative to current working directory. And it may not be the directory, where WinSCP is installed. Try to provide full part.
I would suspect that you have saved the script file in Unicode encoding. Haven't you?unfortunatly that does not work. i've tried to vary the entry:
answer unkown command "xxx(x=strange special charakters)"
If you saved the file as "example.txt" then windows will add another .txt to that file name. Therefore the file name is actually example.txt.txt
In DOS mode do a DIR on the directory where your script is to see its "true" name.
I would suspect that you have saved the script file in Unicode encoding. Haven't you?unfortunatly that does not work. i've tried to vary the entry:
answer unkown command "xxx(x=strange special charakters)"
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