Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

Utah, USA

Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

Just want to report a puzzling problem.
WinSCP was working fine with my Gentoo Linux box until last night. It synchronized files, then seemed to freeze before presenting the checklist. Task Manager reported no problems, and the log file showed no errors.
I tested with a connection to my University's xserver array, and WinSCP worked fine.
The solution was remembering that I updated my Gentoo installation. As part of that ssh_config and sshd_config were updated. After editing to restore settings in those files:
ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11 yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes
WinSCP started working again, flawlessly as before. Hope this helps someone else. Thanks!

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

Thanks for sharing your solution.
I just cannot imagine which of these options might have any effect on WinSCP.
Can you try to find out? Are you able to introduce the problem by restoring any of them in sshd_config? (ssh_config should have no effect). If you can, can you post session log file showing the freeze, as well as an equivalent log file for working configuration/session?

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Utah, USA

Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

Happy to help!
I reset everything in /etc/ssh/sshd_config back to what it was before I merged in the new settings and was not able to reproduce my errors. I tried ssh_config as well and did not reproduce the errors. Most frustrating.
I have the logfile from the night that I was having trouble. The date and time were 2023-06-27 ending at 21:25:25.491 when I quit trying to use WinSCP. The following day, I tried again and had the same issue. It was that day that I realized that I had changes to make in the ssh_config and sshd_config files. After the changes, things worked fine. The date stamp for that was 2023-06-27. I think I changed my sshd_config file between 12:37 and 12:50. Unfortunately, with the attempts to recreate the problem, I wiped out the original time of changes.
How do I send you the logfile and maintain privacy? I use the names of individuals in my file names, and those should not be broadcast for various reasons although I trusting you with the information is fine.

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martin avatar

Re: Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

You can attach the log here and mark it as "private". Thanks.

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Utah, USA

Re: Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

martin wrote:

You can attach the log here and mark it as "private". Thanks.
  • (6.26 MB, Private file)
Description: Sorry it's so big.

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martin avatar

Re: Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

Thanks. Though the log contains four different session. So I'm not sure what to look at. Can you please post single session log only? And if you have to kill the session, please note the exact time you do so.

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Utah, USA

Re: Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

Sorry for the delay. It was a holiday here.

And sorry about the length. I trimmed down to what I think is the second session because it clearly has a beginning, and the beginning of the next session was also marked so I knew that the last lines were an end. I think the length is because I have so many files for comparison on my computer. There was also a jump of several minutes between event time stamps so that I knew that I was waiting for something to happen. The end of the session occurred when I killed the process through Task Manager in Windows, and I think the program recorded those events. The behavior was that WinSCP just hung as if it was waiting for something. There is a 12 minute quiet period in the log file, then the session just ends at 12:49:30.446. There are only 2 lines after I waited to see if the synchronization window would come up. I think it was done comparing files, but the window containing the list of files to be synchronized didn't come up until after I updated the two conf files in Gentoo (ssh_conf and sshd_conf) and ran a new session.
  • (2.46 MB, Private file)
Description: Trimmed to second failed session.
  • (2.46 MB, Private file)
Description: Single session that hung at the end. Marked private because of names of some files.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Freezing after synchronization, before checklist but [SOLVED]

Sorry for my delay. I was on vacation too.
You have attached two same files. There's no "12:49:30.446" in the log.

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