Using "put -delete" sometimes causes 425 ECONNABORT - connection aborted.



Using "put -delete" sometimes causes 425 ECONNABORT - connection aborted.

I have a script that runs over some directories.

I call put -delete source destination, and for most files (say 100+ each day) it works fine, but then for an occasional file, it will put the file on the server, but will then error with 425 ECONNABORT - connection aborted.

The file exists on the remote server, but the file on the local side will remain. This file has to be manually deleted from the local drive as it can never be submitted successfully and do the delete/clean up.

WinSCP client – WinSCP Version 6.1.2
Remote server – FileZilla Server 1.7.3

Connecting over FTPS using TLS 1.3

Excert from the log attached.

Also, due to the problems I was seeing, I have tried upgrading to version 6.1.2 from an older version (from 2017), however, I am finding now that option batch continue does not seem to work the same way, I have to use option batch on which aborts the script line at that point; previously, option batch continue would allow this one error to be skipped and move onto the next file. There is no skip option, only abort or reconnect.

Any ideas?
  • log.txt (2.27 KB, Private file)

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Using "put -delete" sometimes causes 425 ECONNABORT - connection aborted.

What does the server log say about the transfer?

Can you also post logs from 6.1.2 and the "older version" that would document the difference in option batch continue behavior that you see between these versions?

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