Cant upload/overwrite "hidden" file with WinSCP to QNAP via WebDAV
I was about to upload a 4gb big file to a QNAP server via WebDAV in Windows 11 Explorer. The copy process seemed to work but then after a few minutes, the copy process just stopped with an error. I now had a 0kb file in the webdav folder. I tried to delete the file via Windows Explorer, didn't work. I then deleted the file on the QNAP NAS itself.
I tried to copy the same file then again in Windows Explorer, but Windows claimed there was a file already with the same name, where it showed an empty folder. I deleted the entire folder, recreated it, tried to copy. Still didn't work, claiming file exists. Overwriting also didn't work.
I then tried to connect via WinSCP. WinSCP also showed an empty folder. I began to copy the file. It copied for 10 minutes to 100% but then at 100% it gave the error "423 Locked".
What's going on? How can this be resolved? And also why does WinSCP copy the file to 100% but then just says it couldn't be copied at the end? Wouldn't it be wise to do it the other way around?
Using latest WinSCP version.
I tried to copy the same file then again in Windows Explorer, but Windows claimed there was a file already with the same name, where it showed an empty folder. I deleted the entire folder, recreated it, tried to copy. Still didn't work, claiming file exists. Overwriting also didn't work.
I then tried to connect via WinSCP. WinSCP also showed an empty folder. I began to copy the file. It copied for 10 minutes to 100% but then at 100% it gave the error "423 Locked".
What's going on? How can this be resolved? And also why does WinSCP copy the file to 100% but then just says it couldn't be copied at the end? Wouldn't it be wise to do it the other way around?
Using latest WinSCP version.