Copying files to remote side failed. File exists already



Copying files to remote side failed. File exists already

I am using WinSCP in the following situation:
  1. Windows 10 Laptop
  2. Freedos FTP server (MTCP)
Alternative 1: The connection works fine and I can see and access the files on my FreeDos server.
When I open the file in Visual Studio Code it works fine and I can edit the file. However I cannot save it directly. If I select overwrite, nothing happens.

Alternative 2:
I copy a directory to my local drive and edit the file. Then I try to synchronize. I fails again with the following message:
Copying files to remote side failed.
File exists already

Alternative 3:
If I delete the file on my FTP server, I can simply copy it to the FTP server again.

Any idea how to allow overwriting of a file on my server through FTP?


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Copying files to remote side failed. File exists already

Where do you "select overwrite"?
Please post some screenshots and session log files.

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Sounds a lot like the server has a problem with existing files during FTP STOR (transfer to the server). Overwriting files on the server side is completely dependent on the server being able to do so. The client just sends the commands and bytes to it and the server has to do it. The command didn't fail. I would expect a setting or something to config on the server side to fix this.

Although, FTP has a lot of config choices in the client so a difference there could cause something different, as it changes various code paths on the server.

You can obviously STOR fine without the file existing, so the client and server are working together.

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*The command didn't fail - said by me. Clarification on this. There's command related failures and then there's other failures during use of it. You're seeing the latter.

During STOR, the server will check if the file exists and when it received a command to overwrite, it should for example, delete the file and then transfer. In this case, its failing during STOR in the server for an unknown reason.

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