Bug: Window Tile, Cascade, Stacked Doesn't Work


Jason S

Bug: Window Tile, Cascade, Stacked Doesn't Work

Both Windows XP and Vista have a nice feature that allow windows to be stacked, tiled, cascaded, and minimized. However, WinSCP seems to not allow Windows to resize the application. To reproduce in version 4.04:

1) CTRL-Click on the WinSCP window in the Windows taskbar to select it.
2) CTRL-Click on at least one more application in the taskbar to select it also.
3) Right click on one of the selected windows.
4) Click one of the auto-arrange options such as "Show Windows Side By Side".

WinSCP seems to ignore the resizing but the other selected app (such as Windows Explorer) will behave as expected. I would love to see this feature work correctly for nicely arranging a local browser (Windows Explorer) and a remote browser (WinSCP) nicely for drag and drop operations.


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You need to have higher resolution for screen.
For me on 1152x864 resolution, cascade, tile vert, tile horz works with no prob on WinXP.

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Jason S

Anonymous wrote:

You need to have higher resolution for screen.
For me on 1152x864 resolution, cascade, tile vert, tile horz works with no prob on WinXP.

I'm running 1920 x 1200 with Vista on my laptop. At work I'm running at least 1152 x 864 with XP. Neither work. The resolution shouldn't matter anyways...

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External Resize Commands Still Do Not Work for Me

I'm still not getting the Windows Cascade/Tile functionality to work even on v4.0.6. I'm running Windows XP, dual monitors at 1280x1024.

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martin avatar

Re: External Resize Commands Still Do Not Work for Me

UnhandledException wrote:

I'm still not getting the Windows Cascade/Tile functionality to work even on v4.0.6. I'm running Windows XP, dual monitors at 1280x1024.
What does it do?

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Re: External Resize Commands Still Do Not Work for Me

martin wrote:

What does it do?

If any of the windows are minimized or maximized, it "Restores" them, but then nothing happens to the size or position of the window beyond that.

I will be downloading 4.0.7 and trying shortly.

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Re: External Resize Commands Still Do Not Work for Me

Okay. Still does it in 4.0.7, but I've got a better description of the scenario.

When I do the "global" Tile Windows Vertically/Horizontally on all windows, it works just fine.

The scenario I've been doing is where I have two instances of WinSCP open and Windows XP groups the two windows into a single taskbar item. The context-menu item on that grouped taskbar item to Tile Vertically/Horizontally on just the WinSCP windows is the place that does not work. Sorry for the confusion.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: External Resize Commands Still Do Not Work for Me

UnhandledException wrote:

Okay. Still does it in 4.0.7, but I've got a better description of the scenario.

When I do the "global" Tile Windows Vertically/Horizontally on all windows, it works just fine.

The scenario I've been doing is where I have two instances of WinSCP open and Windows XP groups the two windows into a single taskbar item. The context-menu item on that grouped taskbar item to Tile Vertically/Horizontally on just the WinSCP windows is the place that does not work. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for your post. This issue has been added to tracker.

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