WinSCP will not open a symbolic link



WinSCP will not open a symbolic link

I have created a symbolic link in home directory. The symbolic link is to another directory. when i attempt to navigate to the directory, i get an error saying the file cannot be open.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: WinSCP will not open a symbolic link

You do have enabled resolving symlinks? Also what protocol do you use? If SFTP, what version?

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i have the same problem.
I have CopSSH 1.4.3 running on Windows Server 2003. WinSCP is version 4.0.4.
Neither the "my home" symlink created by CopSSH nor the symlinks created by me work. This error happens only if the symlink leads outside the CopSSH directory.
Other clients as Putty etc. can follow these symlinks.

Error Code when tryong to open these Symlinks with WinSCP is:
No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: No such file
Request code: 7

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Here's the log:
Changing directory to "data".
Getting real path for '/home/root/data'
Type: SSH_FXP_REALPATH, Size: 33, Number: 2832
Sent 37 bytes
There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
Waiting for another 4 bytes
Received 4 bytes
Received 25 bytes
Type: SSH_FXP_NAME, Size: 25, Number: 2832
Real path is 'Z:'
Trying to open directory "Z:".
Type: SSH_FXP_LSTAT, Size: 31, Number: 3079
Sent 35 bytes
There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
Waiting for another 4 bytes
Received 4 bytes
Session upkeep
Session upkeep
Received 29 bytes
Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 29, Number: 3079
Status/error code: 2, Message: 3079, Server: No such file, Language:
(ECommand) Fehler beim Wechseln in Verzeichnis 'data'.
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
Fehlernummer: 2
Fehlermeldung vom entfernten Rechner : No such file
Anforderungsnummer: 7

I translated the german parts to english, same log:
Changing directory to "data".
Getting real path for '/home/root/data'
Type: SSH_FXP_REALPATH, Size: 33, Number: 2832
Sent 37 bytes
There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
Waiting for another 4 bytes
Received 4 bytes
Received 25 bytes
Type: SSH_FXP_NAME, Size: 25, Number: 2832
Real path is 'Z:'
Trying to open directory "Z:".
Type: SSH_FXP_LSTAT, Size: 31, Number: 3079
Sent 35 bytes
There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
Waiting for another 4 bytes
Received 4 bytes
Session upkeep
Session upkeep
Received 29 bytes
Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 29, Number: 3079
Status/error code: 2, Message: 3079, Server: No such file, Language:
(ECommand) Error when changing to directory 'data'.
Did not find file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from remote computer : No such file
Request code: 7

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Any chance of having a test account on the system? It looks like a server-side bug, but I would like to verify that.

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