Multiple Undo's When Editing



Multiple Undo's When Editing

When programming in php I use the editor in Winscp. It's priceless as I can save/upload in a single click, not something you can do using an external editor.

I can do without syntax editing (would be nice though), code suggestions etc, all I ask is that you add multiple undo's to the internal editor. Currently you only get one using Ctrl-z but most of the time it isn't enough. I've lost count of the times I've wanted to go back to an earlier edit and have to spend hours instead trying to recreate my earlier code. I know I should do frequent backups but sometimes I forget.

Please add this. I will be most grateful.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Multiple Undo's When Editing

kesan wrote:

When programming in php I use the editor in Winscp. It's priceless as I can save/upload in a single click, not something you can do using an external editor.
You can do that even with an external editor.

I can do without syntax editing (would be nice though), code suggestions etc, all I ask is that you add multiple undo's to the internal editor. Currently you only get one using Ctrl-z but most of the time it isn't enough. I've lost count of the times I've wanted to go back to an earlier edit and have to spend hours instead trying to recreate my earlier code. I know I should do frequent backups but sometimes I forget.
WinSCP uses the same Windows edit control as for example Notepad. And it allows only single undo. Adding multiple undo's would mean to implement whole editor. So I can add that to TODO list, nut it is not an easy task.
Last edited by martin on 2007-11-04; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Multiple Undo's When Editing

In my opinion implementing full text editor for winscp is redundant, because it's possible to use any external editor. WinSCP watches all 'opened on the remote side' files and uploads files on any change so it's the same 'save/upload in a single click' feature.
Moreover, creating a editor is a great work, isn't it? It's better to implement some of WinSCP's direct features instead. Folders of saved sessions, for instance ;)

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