Minimize to systray



Anton P.

I disagree. Programs have no place in the system tray unless they are running as continuous background tasks. As I see it, a transfer is a discrete task, and if I don't want to watch it, I will minimize the window, but I would still expect the program to appear on the taskbar.

If you implement this feature, please make it optional, not mandatory! Thanks

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Anton P. wrote:

I disagree. Programs have no place in the system tray unless they are running as continuous background tasks. As I see it, a transfer is a discrete task, and if I don't want to watch it, I will minimize the window, but I would still expect the program to appear on the taskbar.

If you implement this feature, please make it optional, not mandatory! Thanks
That's why I've ignored the request. I'm tired explain this obvious think. Thanks for doing it for me :-)

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I would like a minimize to systray when I use the sync directories, which I often leave running for many hours. During such use WinSCP is IMHO a program running as a continuous background task. Could such functionality be made for this purpose? (There is a "minimize" button there already.. ;))

I downloaded a seperate minimize to systray utility for this purpose (PowerMenu), but unfortunately it minimizes only the small "extra" window to the systray (which isn't shown at all when just minimizing), still leaving the main program icon to crowd my taskbar.


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Anton P. wrote:

I disagree. Programs have no place in the system tray unless they are running as continuous background tasks. As I see it, a transfer is a discrete task, and if I don't want to watch it, I will minimize the window, but I would still expect the program to appear on the taskbar.

If you implement this feature, please make it optional, not mandatory! Thanks
I cleary understand your point here but isn't it up to one and each other to decied what to use the systray to?
The current transfer I'm doing now will take about 10h and becouse I only have a 17" screen the taskbar becomes very plotted if I'm trying to do my work at the same time.

Ofcourse such implemetion needs to be optimal but I relly would like if this function could be implemented.

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Jay Kramer

Please look into Mimize to Tray.

I have to ask for this feature once again. It is very useful, I use the sync directories feature for 8-10 hours at a time, and end up having a gazillion other windows open. It is very annoying to keep accidentally clicking on the WinSCP window throughout the day, and just takes up taskbar space. Its not like this feature is difficult to implement. I would suggest just making it an option that is off by default if you do not like it. But please, don't force everyone that uses this program to your settings just because you don't use the application that way. That is just being arrogant.

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Mimize to Tray

I agree with having a Minimize to Tray option, so that its up to user preference.

Like others on this post, I mainly use WinSCP to sync directories,
so it is sat on the TaskBar 24x7, even though it's running effectively as
a background task as far as I'm concerned. has been mentioned but I think it would be better as a feature of WinSCP.


If the Tray Icon could show an indicator of when it is actively sync'ing that would also be useful, particularly for long sync periods.

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It's asinine to refuse to include a minimize to tray feature just on your opinion that file transfer has to be a discrete task. As others have pointed out, continuous sync'ing of a directory does not require your attention to the program, therefore making it an excellent candidate to minimize to the systray.

And no, I don't want to use that 4t Tray Minimizer program. I've actually already got one that I use and like very much It works with 99% of the programs I sue with the notable exception being WinSCP. I use Filip Lundeholm's Minimize to Tray (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>).
* Installs
* Is obtrusive
* Uses (at least, maybe more was installed elesewhere?) 1.38 MB

* Installess
* Is very tidy and unobtrusive
* 17.1 KB

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WinSCP and ALL apps should have this ABSOLUTELY BASIC feature

name one of major apps that doesnt have it

it may take ages to transfer something, so it can be considered as a 'background' job, why should it take space in our taskbar?

I have currently switched to another ssh app that has this feature and all the others as well, but I just wanted to answer to all people that deny a so handy feature even if it is optional

best regards

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ROFL they made you break :wink: Don't let them come to you saying, "Hey how come my CPU fan is constantly running, is this some kind of bug???" While they have 3 WinSCP windows minimized to tray ;)

Also, if you all really want this see the donation button on the right? Well hit that and send the guy $5, $10, $20 each for all who wants this so bad ;).

All the best,


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Martin, Do we have this feature now?
I would love have this when I am running "Keep Remote up to date"...

Thanks ~Biju

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

~BijuGC wrote:

Martin, Do we have this feature now?
I would love have this when I am running "Keep Remote up to date"...
It is in since 4.0. See docs.

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That will be a good work around for me.
I am looking for normal Minimizing most time and systray minimizing when I am in "Keep Remote up to date" screen.
So I suggest an additional button/checkbox on that screen saying "minimize to systray"
(PS: not so important, only do if it is not much trouble)

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

BijuGC wrote:

I am looking for normal Minimizing most time and systray minimizing when I am in "Keep Remote up to date" screen.
So I suggest an additional button/checkbox on that screen saying "minimize to systray"
(PS: not so important, only do if it is not much trouble)
OK, added to tracker :-)

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Ohio, USA

Minimize to System Tray

Hi there. Once every two weeks I use WinSCP to transfer a large amount of files to a remote location for backup. This can take over a day sometimes. The computer I use to transfer stuff is also my primary work computer. I would love to be able to have the option to minimize WinSCP to the system tray during these really long uploads.

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consistency avatar

just wanted to open a feature request. search function rocks :D
found and enabled this great feature.

thank you for having it implemented, it really helps.

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