



im a newbie at these things ...
well here i got some pics of that problem

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Thanks for the pictures, however it does not help me to understand the problem.
Please go to logging tab on login dialog to enable the logging and post the log file.
BTW, do you have the problem with the particular file or directory only or does it happen with any upload?

Reply with quote


this happens with any upload

i dont know what do you mean with posting the log file ... maybe this :

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

i dont know what do you mean with posting the log file ... maybe this :
Go to that directory. Delete any .log files. Try to upload a file. Then go back to that directory and paste here contents of the .log file you find there.

Reply with quote


i deleted every log file ...
but i couldn't delete this log file

and i couldnt upload any file after i deleted the log. files

Reply with quote




BeDave wrote:

well i get the same error no such file or directory ...

Here are the steps to create the log file

1. Create a new folder WinSCPLogs on your C:\ Drive
2. Goto the logging tab under session in WinSCP ( if you donot see it, turn on Advance Options)
3. Enable Logging
4. Change the Logging Leve to Debug 2
5. Enter C:\WinSCPLogs\&S.txt
6. Run your transfer and wait till it either completes or throws and error
7. Exit out of WinSCP
8. Goto C:\WinSCPLogs folder and open the file in Notepad
9. Copy and paste the file to the forum

Hope this helps.

Reply with quote


im back again ... well this time my friend got the same problem ... i have tried everything ... crazy that it wont work ... well this time maybe you can help me when i post the log file
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.078 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.078 WinSCP Version 4.0.7 (Build 370) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.078 Login time: Mittwoch, 16. April 2008 20:35:11
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.078 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.078 Session name: Sheppard
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 Host name: (Port: 21)
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 User name: xg1 (Password: Yes, Key file: No)
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 Tunnel: No
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 Ping type: C, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 Proxy: none
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 FTP: Passive: No
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 DST mode: 1
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.093 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.109 Connecting to ...
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.109 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1056): OnConnect(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.109 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.187 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.187 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1rc2 Server (XG1 FTP-Services) []
> 2008-04-16 20:35:11.187 USER xg1
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.234 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=0   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.234 331 Password required for xg1
> 2008-04-16 20:35:11.234 PASS ********
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.296 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=3   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.296 230 User xg1 logged in
> 2008-04-16 20:35:11.296 SYST
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.343 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-14   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.343 215 UNIX Type: L8
> 2008-04-16 20:35:11.343 FEAT
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.390 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.390 211-Features:
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.390  MDTM
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.390  REST STREAM
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.390  SIZE
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 211 End
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 Connected
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 Got reply 1 to the command 1
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 Using FTP protocol.
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 Doing startup conversation with host.
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1269): FtpCommand(PWD)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:35:11.687 PWD
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.734 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=2 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.734 257 "/" is the current directory
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.734 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=2 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.734 Got reply 1 to the command 16
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.734 Getting current directory name.
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.734 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"/","",1)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.734 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2008-04-16 20:35:11.734 TYPE A
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.781 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.781 200 Type set to A
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.781 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:35:11.781 PORT 192,168,2,100,9,187
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.828 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.828 200 PORT command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.828 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.828 TransferSocket.cpp(597): SetActive()   caller=0x01daa220
> 2008-04-16 20:35:11.828 LIST -a
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.921 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:11.921 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.921 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.921 TransferSocket.cpp(418): OnAccept(0)   caller=0x01daa220
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 TransferSocket.cpp(557): OnClose(0)   caller=0x01daa220
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01daa220
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01daa220
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2070): TransferEnd(4)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(TRUE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 drwxr-x---   6 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 .
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 drwxr-x---   6 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 ..
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:06 .steam
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1          1392 Apr 16 18:06 InstallRecord.blob
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1            36 Apr 16 18:05 Steam.cfg
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -r--r--r--   1 xg1      xg1            70 Oct  5  2007 appdir.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Sep 21  2007 bin
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 drwxr-x---  13 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:06 dod
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 drwxr-x---   7 xg1      xg1          4096 Jun 15  2007 hl2
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1             0 Jan 20  2006 no_image
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183860 Jun 15  2007 srcds_amd
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183828 Jun 15  2007 srcds_i486
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183828 Jun 15  2007 srcds_i686
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1         10174 Apr 16 16:18 srcds_run
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1            11 Apr 16 18:05 startparameter
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1       8584961 Nov 10 02:51 steam
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1        358301 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1        453372 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1       8306090 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 TransferSocket.cpp(108): ~CTransferSocket()   caller=0x01daa220
. 2008-04-16 20:35:11.937 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01daa220
. 2008-04-16 20:35:12.187 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:12.187 226 Transfer complete
. 2008-04-16 20:35:12.187 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:12.187 Directory listing successful
. 2008-04-16 20:35:12.203 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:12.203 Got reply 1 to the command 2
. 2008-04-16 20:35:12.203 Startup conversation with host finished.
. 2008-04-16 20:35:12.843 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:13.343 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:14.046 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:14.343 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:14.843 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:15.343 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:15.843 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.218 Cached directory change via "dod" to "/dod".
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.218 Getting current directory name.
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.218 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"/dod/","",1)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.218 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2008-04-16 20:35:16.218 CWD /dod/
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.265 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:16.265 250 CWD command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.265 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:35:16.265 PWD
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.312 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:16.312 257 "/dod" is the current directory
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.312 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:35:16.312 TYPE A
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.359 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:16.359 200 Type set to A
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.359 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:35:16.359 PORT 192,168,2,100,9,189
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.406 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:16.406 200 PORT command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.406 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.406 TransferSocket.cpp(597): SetActive()   caller=0x01df9280
> 2008-04-16 20:35:16.406 LIST -a
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.500 TransferSocket.cpp(418): OnAccept(0)   caller=0x01df9280
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.500 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:16.500 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.500 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 TransferSocket.cpp(557): OnClose(0)   caller=0x01df9280
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01df9280
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01df9280
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2070): TransferEnd(4)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(TRUE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-x---  13 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:06 .
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-x---   6 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 ..
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr--r--   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 17:56 DownloadLists
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 16:18 bin
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 cfg
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1         55983 Jun 15  2007 detail.vbsp
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr--r--   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 17:13 downloads
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1          2173 Apr 16 18:05 gameinfo.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1          1811 Jun 15  2007 lights.rad
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr--r--   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 17:56 logs
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           122 Apr 16 18:06 mapcycle.clean
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           122 Apr 16 18:06 mapcycle.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           122 Apr 16 18:06 maplist.clean
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           122 Apr 16 18:06 maplist.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-xr-x   3 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 28  2007 maps
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-xr-x  38 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 28  2007 materials
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-x---  25 xg1      xg1          4096 Jun 15  2007 models
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1         28065 Apr 16 17:56 modelsounds.cache
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           841 Apr 16 18:05 motd.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-xr-x   3 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 28  2007 resource
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1            16 Apr 16 16:05 scene.cache
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Sep 21  2007 scripts
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 drwxr-x---  11 xg1      xg1          4096 Jun 15  2007 sound
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1            50 Jun 15  2007 steam.inf
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 TransferSocket.cpp(108): ~CTransferSocket()   caller=0x01df9280
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.515 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01df9280
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.718 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:16.718 226 Transfer complete
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.718 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.718 Directory listing successful
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.718 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.718 Got reply 1 to the command 2
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.781 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:16.843 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.343 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.468 Cached directory change via "cfg" to "/dod/cfg".
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.468 Getting current directory name.
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.468 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"/dod/cfg/","",1)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.468 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2008-04-16 20:35:17.468 CWD /dod/cfg/
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.515 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:17.515 250 CWD command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.515 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:35:17.515 PWD
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.562 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:17.562 257 "/dod/cfg" is the current directory
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.562 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:35:17.562 TYPE A
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.609 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:35:17.609 200 Type set to A
. 2008-04-16 20:35:17.609 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:35:17.609 PORT 192,168,2,100,9,191
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2085): OnClose(10053)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Disconnected from server
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 TransferSocket.cpp(557): OnClose(0)   caller=0x01dfad08
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01dfad08
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 TransferSocket.cpp(108): ~CTransferSocket()   caller=0x01dfad08
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01dfad08
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1199): DoClose(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(4100)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Could not retrieve directory listing
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Got reply 1004 to the command 2
. 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Timeout detected.
* 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 (ESshFatal) Lost connection.
* 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Disconnected from server
* 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Could not retrieve directory listing
* 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Timeout detected.
* 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Type set to A
* 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Error listing directory '/dod/cfg'.
* 2008-04-16 20:36:01.937 Error changing directory to 'cfg'.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.812 Connecting to ...
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.812 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1056): OnConnect(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.812 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.890 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2085): OnClose(10053)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.890 Disconnected from server
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.890 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1199): DoClose(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.890 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(4100)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.890 Connection failed.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:09.890 Got reply 1004 to the command 1
* 2008-04-16 20:36:09.906 (ESshFatal) Connection failed.
* 2008-04-16 20:36:09.906 Disconnected from server
* 2008-04-16 20:36:09.906 Connection failed.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.046 Connecting to ...
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.046 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1056): OnConnect(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.046 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2085): OnClose(10053)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 Disconnected from server
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1199): DoClose(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(4100)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 Connection failed.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 Got reply 1004 to the command 1
* 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 (ESshFatal) Connection failed.
* 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 Disconnected from server
* 2008-04-16 20:36:11.140 Connection failed.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 WinSCP Version 4.0.7 (Build 370) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Login time: Mittwoch, 16. April 2008 20:36:13
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Session name: Sheppard
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Host name: (Port: 21)
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 User name: xg1 (Password: Yes, Key file: No)
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Tunnel: No
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Ping type: C, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Proxy: none
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 FTP: Passive: No
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 DST mode: 1
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.187 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.203 Connecting to ...
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.203 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1056): OnConnect(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.203 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.281 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2085): OnClose(10053)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.281 Disconnected from server
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.281 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1199): DoClose(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.281 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(4100)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.281 Connection failed.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:13.281 Got reply 1004 to the command 1
* 2008-04-16 20:36:13.296 (ESshFatal) Connection failed.
* 2008-04-16 20:36:13.296 Disconnected from server
* 2008-04-16 20:36:13.296 Connection failed.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.359 Connecting to ...
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.359 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1056): OnConnect(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.359 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.437 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.437 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1rc2 Server (XG1 FTP-Services) []
> 2008-04-16 20:36:34.437 USER xg1
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.484 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=0   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.484 331 Password required for xg1
> 2008-04-16 20:36:34.484 PASS ********
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.546 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=3   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.546 230 User xg1 logged in
> 2008-04-16 20:36:34.546 SYST
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.593 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-14   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.593 215 UNIX Type: L8
> 2008-04-16 20:36:34.593 FEAT
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.640 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.640 211-Features:
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.640  MDTM
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.640  REST STREAM
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.640  SIZE
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.875 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.875 211 End
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.875 Connected
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.875 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.875 Got reply 1 to the command 1
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.875 Doing startup conversation with host.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.875 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1269): FtpCommand(PWD)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
> 2008-04-16 20:36:34.875 PWD
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.921 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=2 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.921 257 "/" is the current directory
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.921 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=2 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.921 Got reply 1 to the command 16
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.921 Getting current directory name.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.921 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"/","",1)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.921 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2008-04-16 20:36:34.921 TYPE A
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.968 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:34.968 200 Type set to A
. 2008-04-16 20:36:34.968 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01e2c834
> 2008-04-16 20:36:34.968 PORT 192,168,2,100,9,210
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.031 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:35.031 200 PORT command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.031 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.031 TransferSocket.cpp(597): SetActive()   caller=0x01e2b050
> 2008-04-16 20:36:35.031 LIST -a
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 TransferSocket.cpp(418): OnAccept(0)   caller=0x01e2b050
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 TransferSocket.cpp(557): OnClose(0)   caller=0x01e2b050
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01e2b050
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01e2b050
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2070): TransferEnd(4)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(TRUE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 drwxr-x---   6 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 .
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 drwxr-x---   6 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 ..
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:06 .steam
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1          1392 Apr 16 18:06 InstallRecord.blob
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1            36 Apr 16 18:05 Steam.cfg
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -r--r--r--   1 xg1      xg1            70 Oct  5  2007 appdir.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Sep 21  2007 bin
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 drwxr-x---  13 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:06 dod
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 drwxr-x---   7 xg1      xg1          4096 Jun 15  2007 hl2
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1             0 Jan 20  2006 no_image
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183860 Jun 15  2007 srcds_amd
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183828 Jun 15  2007 srcds_i486
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183828 Jun 15  2007 srcds_i686
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1         10174 Apr 16 16:18 srcds_run
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1            11 Apr 16 18:05 startparameter
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1       8584961 Nov 10 02:51 steam
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1        358301 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1        453372 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1       8306090 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 TransferSocket.cpp(108): ~CTransferSocket()   caller=0x01e2b050
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.125 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01e2b050
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.281 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:35.281 226 Transfer complete
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.281 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.281 Directory listing successful
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.281 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.281 Got reply 1 to the command 2
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.281 Startup conversation with host finished.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.343 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.375 FtpControlSocket.cpp(181): ~CFtpControlSocket()   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.375 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1199): DoClose(0)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.375 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(4100)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.375 ControlSocket.cpp(89): ~CControlSocket()   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:36:35.843 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.343 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.750 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.843 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.890 Cached directory change via "dod" to "/dod".
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.890 Getting current directory name.
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.890 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"/dod/","",1)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01e2c834
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.890 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2008-04-16 20:36:36.890 CWD /dod/
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:36.937 250 CWD command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01e2c834
> 2008-04-16 20:36:36.937 PWD
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.984 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:36.984 257 "/dod" is the current directory
. 2008-04-16 20:36:36.984 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01e2c834
> 2008-04-16 20:36:36.984 TYPE A
. 2008-04-16 20:36:37.031 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01e2c834
< 2008-04-16 20:36:37.031 200 Type set to A
. 2008-04-16 20:36:37.031 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01e2c834
> 2008-04-16 20:36:37.046 PORT 192,168,2,100,9,212
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 WinSCP Version 4.0.7 (Build 370) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Login time: Mittwoch, 16. April 2008 20:37:04
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Session name: Sheppard
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Host name: (Port: 21)
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 User name: xg1 (Password: Yes, Key file: No)
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Tunnel: No
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Ping type: C, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Proxy: none
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 FTP: Passive: No
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 DST mode: 1
. 2008-04-16 20:37:04.968 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.000 Connecting to ...
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.000 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1056): OnConnect(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.000 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.062 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.062 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1rc2 Server (XG1 FTP-Services) []
> 2008-04-16 20:37:05.062 USER xg1
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.125 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=0   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.125 331 Password required for xg1
> 2008-04-16 20:37:05.125 PASS ********
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.171 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=3   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.171 230 User xg1 logged in
> 2008-04-16 20:37:05.171 SYST
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.218 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-14   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.218 215 UNIX Type: L8
> 2008-04-16 20:37:05.218 FEAT
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.265 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.265 211-Features:
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.265  MDTM
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.265  REST STREAM
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.265  SIZE
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 211 End
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 Connected
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=1 OpState=-13   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 Got reply 1 to the command 1
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 Using FTP protocol.
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 Doing startup conversation with host.
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1269): FtpCommand(PWD)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:37:05.562 PWD
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.609 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=2 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.609 257 "/" is the current directory
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.609 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=2 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.609 Got reply 1 to the command 16
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.609 Getting current directory name.
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.609 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"/","",1)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.609 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2008-04-16 20:37:05.609 TYPE A
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.656 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.656 200 Type set to A
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.656 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:37:05.656 PORT 192,168,2,100,9,217
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.703 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.703 200 PORT command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.703 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.703 TransferSocket.cpp(597): SetActive()   caller=0x01daa3f4
> 2008-04-16 20:37:05.703 LIST -a
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.796 TransferSocket.cpp(418): OnAccept(0)   caller=0x01daa3f4
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.796 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.796 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.796 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 TransferSocket.cpp(557): OnClose(0)   caller=0x01daa3f4
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01daa3f4
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01daa3f4
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2070): TransferEnd(4)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(TRUE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 drwxr-x---   6 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 .
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 drwxr-x---   6 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 ..
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:06 .steam
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1          1392 Apr 16 18:06 InstallRecord.blob
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1            36 Apr 16 18:05 Steam.cfg
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -r--r--r--   1 xg1      xg1            70 Oct  5  2007 appdir.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Sep 21  2007 bin
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 drwxr-x---  13 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:06 dod
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 drwxr-x---   7 xg1      xg1          4096 Jun 15  2007 hl2
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1             0 Jan 20  2006 no_image
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183860 Jun 15  2007 srcds_amd
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183828 Jun 15  2007 srcds_i486
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1        183828 Jun 15  2007 srcds_i686
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rwxr-xr--   1 xg1      xg1         10174 Apr 16 16:18 srcds_run
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1            11 Apr 16 18:05 startparameter
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -rwxr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1       8584961 Nov 10 02:51 steam
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1        358301 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1        453372 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 -r-xr-xr-x   1 xg1      xg1       8306090 Nov 16  2005
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 TransferSocket.cpp(108): ~CTransferSocket()   caller=0x01daa3f4
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.812 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01daa3f4
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.953 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:05.953 226 Transfer complete
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.953 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.953 Directory listing successful
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.953 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.953 Got reply 1 to the command 2
. 2008-04-16 20:37:05.953 Startup conversation with host finished.
. 2008-04-16 20:37:06.640 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:37:07.140 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:37:07.640 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:37:07.953 Cached directory change via "dod" to "/dod".
. 2008-04-16 20:37:07.968 Getting current directory name.
. 2008-04-16 20:37:07.968 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"/dod/","",1)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:07.968 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2008-04-16 20:37:07.968 CWD /dod/
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.015 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:08.015 250 CWD command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.015 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:37:08.015 PWD
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.046 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:08.046 257 "/dod" is the current directory
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.046 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:37:08.046 TYPE A
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.093 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:08.093 200 Type set to A
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.093 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:37:08.109 PORT 192,168,2,100,9,219
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.156 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:08.156 200 PORT command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.156 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.156 TransferSocket.cpp(597): SetActive()   caller=0x01df6274
> 2008-04-16 20:37:08.156 LIST -a
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=9   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 TransferSocket.cpp(418): OnAccept(0)   caller=0x01df6274
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 TransferSocket.cpp(557): OnClose(0)   caller=0x01df6274
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01df6274
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01df6274
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2070): TransferEnd(4)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(TRUE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-x---  13 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:06 .
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-x---   6 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 ..
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr--r--   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 17:56 DownloadLists
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 16:18 bin
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 18:05 cfg
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1         55983 Jun 15  2007 detail.vbsp
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr--r--   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 17:13 downloads
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1          2173 Apr 16 18:05 gameinfo.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1          1811 Jun 15  2007 lights.rad
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr--r--   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 16 17:56 logs
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           122 Apr 16 18:06 mapcycle.clean
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           122 Apr 16 18:06 mapcycle.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           122 Apr 16 18:06 maplist.clean
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           122 Apr 16 18:06 maplist.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-xr-x   3 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 28  2007 maps
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-xr-x  38 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 28  2007 materials
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-x---  25 xg1      xg1          4096 Jun 15  2007 models
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1         28065 Apr 16 17:56 modelsounds.cache
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1           841 Apr 16 18:05 motd.txt
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-xr-x   3 xg1      xg1          4096 Apr 28  2007 resource
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1            16 Apr 16 16:05 scene.cache
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-x---   2 xg1      xg1          4096 Sep 21  2007 scripts
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 drwxr-x---  11 xg1      xg1          4096 Jun 15  2007 sound
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 -rw-r--r--   1 xg1      xg1            50 Jun 15  2007 steam.inf
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 TransferSocket.cpp(108): ~CTransferSocket()   caller=0x01df6274
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.250 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01df6274
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.546 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:08.546 226 Transfer complete
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.546 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.546 Directory listing successful
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.546 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(1)  OpMode=4 OpState=10   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.546 Got reply 1 to the command 2
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.609 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:37:08.640 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.140 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.640 Session upkeep
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.796 Cached directory change via "cfg" to "/dod/cfg".
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.796 Getting current directory name.
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.796 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"/dod/cfg/","",1)  OpMode=0 OpState=-1   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.796 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2008-04-16 20:37:09.796 CWD /dod/cfg/
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.843 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:09.843 250 CWD command successful
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.843 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=1   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:37:09.843 PWD
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.890 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:09.890 257 "/dod/cfg" is the current directory
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.890 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=2   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:37:09.890 TYPE A
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(878): OnReceive(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
< 2008-04-16 20:37:09.937 200 Type set to A
. 2008-04-16 20:37:09.937 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1276): List(FALSE,0,"","",0)  OpMode=4 OpState=8   caller=0x01dd2510
> 2008-04-16 20:37:09.937 PORT 192,168,2,100,9,221
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 FtpControlSocket.cpp(2085): OnClose(10053)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Disconnected from server
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 TransferSocket.cpp(557): OnClose(0)   caller=0x01dfc8e8
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01dfc8e8
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 TransferSocket.cpp(108): ~CTransferSocket()   caller=0x01dfc8e8
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 TransferSocket.cpp(1179): Close()   caller=0x01dfc8e8
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 FtpControlSocket.cpp(1199): DoClose(0)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 FtpControlSocket.cpp(4184): ResetOperation(4100)  OpMode=4 OpState=7   caller=0x01dd2510
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Could not retrieve directory listing
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Got reply 1004 to the command 2
. 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Timeout detected.
* 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 (ESshFatal) Lost connection.
* 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Disconnected from server
* 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Could not retrieve directory listing
* 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Timeout detected.
* 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Type set to A
* 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Error listing directory '/dod/cfg'.
* 2008-04-16 20:37:47.953 Error changing directory to 'cfg'.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

BeDave wrote:

im back again ... well this time my friend got the same problem ... i have tried everything ... crazy that it wont work ... well this time maybe you can help me when i post the log file
Thanks for the log. I do not see how this problem relates to your previous report. It is related? Can you describe this problem?

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