WinSCP for Linux



WinSCP for Linux

This excellent application is one of the few things that is stopping me from migrating entirely to Linux. It there any chance that the writer, or another interested party, could port it to Linux? Obviously a name change would be required :?

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For Linux, there is an application called "secpanel".

I had trouble to run WinSCP under Wine, but disabling netapi32.dll got it to work.

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The problem is you can't do file transfer with SecPanel – ok it opens a shell window, but it's not easy to use as WinSCP

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Anyway, congratulations on having WinSCP running fine on Wine – it's rare a Windows version of an application running so fine on Wine

In my opinion, Wine compatibility is a kind of quality certification of Windows application versions – and of course, WinSCP is there! :-)

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London, England

I guess it would be out of the question to request a version for the Mac then huh?

This application is so useful to me and my day job, that I keep a virtual machine with XP on it for the sole purpose of running WinSCP! Thanks so much for a great app.

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Re: WinSCP for Linux

If you use KDE, Konqueror (the file manager) can be used to access remote servers using the fish protocol. Fish (FIles transferred over SHell) is a protocol that uses SSH or RSH to transfer files between computers and to manage remote files.

How: In Konqueror where current directory is listed type:

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Re: WinSCP for Linux

Hi Martin,

I meant to add my thanks for WinSCP to my comments above. I have used your program for several years and it has made my work easier.

Thanks again!

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WinSCP like...

Hey all, why don't you use simple add-on of mozilla firefox called FireFTP.
Just go to tools addons, search --> FireFTP --> Install and then enjoy.
This can be a good alternative to excellent software in WinSCP.

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WinSCP alternative in Linux

Whenever I use my Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop partition I use SFTP in Nautilus:

1. If the address bar is not showing, press the icon that looks like a pencil and piece of paper. This will display the address bar (editable textbox).

2. In the address bar, enter: s or sftp://ip_address.

3. Enter your username and password.

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Native Linux, YES, please, wine, red yes, other no thanks.

I emphatically wave my hand in support of a native Linux port for WinSCP (would also be an easy port to OS X as its BSD which is similar to linux).

This would make life a lot better.

No thanks, on running on Wine as I don't allow WinAPI on SECURE Linux OS. May as well run Win and invite the virus and other crap to tag along. No thanks.

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Migrating users to Ubuntu

Martin – thanks for WinSCP, a great tool at any price.

I'm the IT guy for a small office on a univ. campus – supporting two dozen Wintel users who have used a Samba fileserver for years, since before my time, and are very comfortable with WinSCP for remote access to their shared filesystem using home PCs. (This says quite a bit for the quality of WinSCP, by the way.) I have a good chance of introducing some of them to Ubuntu using some old laptops – if I can give them a WinSCP-like GUI for SCP access to the fileserver, hopefully including drag & drop file actions. I don't think anything that's been mentioned is really able to come up to the level of WinSCP in terms of ease of use – I haven't tried some of these in years, and will do so again, but I'd like to encourage you to think about this a bit. A LinSCP is not a ridiculous idea, exactly because WinSCP is so successful. Doesn't have to be identical or complete, just close enough to be familiar – someday I might paste something up with Python if there isn't already a good alternative.

Alex Brown <Alexander_Brown at uml dot edu >

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WinSCP's feature set just doesn't have a Lin quivalent

The features I love are:
remote file editing using gvim (or another editor)
-- yes, I know I can do this using existing tools, but they are not as responsive
-- nautilus is slow, as is gvim's grafted in editing via scp
-- neither of the above is as forgiving when network connections drop.

run custom commands on files using the gui
-- I like being able to right click on a file and run a custom shell script.

transfer files in the background

I rarely use the synchro feature in WinSCP, but when I do, it's nice to have.

And, yeah, if I wanted to use the command line, I could, and I do often. However, that's not always what I want out of life.

WinSCP is simply better than the Lin graphical SCP/SFTP clients.

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Under Windows I normally use WinSCP as my standard SCP/SFTP Client. When using Linux the graphical SFTP Client FileZilla ( is great since it has a native Linux version also. The GUI is imho not as good as the WinSCP user interface but a lot better than Nautilus and others.


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Winscp works with Wine OR use sshfs-fuse

For quick solution, winscp should be used with wine. Works on my ubuntu 8.04
More timetaking but better solution: install sshfs-fuse
What I did to install ?
Get fuse-2.7.4.tar.gz and sshfs-fuse-2.2.tar.gz.
Tried installing sshfs-fuse directly, gave the error: "C compiler cannot create executables"
Installed g++ to remove above error: sudo apt-get install g++
Next it asked for fuse, glib-2.0 and gthread-2.0
Installed fuse.
Installed libglib2.0-dev for the other two package requirements as above:
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
Had permission problems when mounting using sshfs, so had to use an option:
sudo sshfs user@host: local_folder -o allow_other

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Please port it to LINUX

Please somebody port this excellent software to linux. This is the only software which force me to install wine. Although it run great on wine (but sometimes crash when opening large file), it lack the feel of native linux interface. Tried many alternative but none come close to winscp. Gnome commander most likely be the candidate but still lack important capability e.g not able to open conf file in internal viewer and a few others. I've tried every other alternative but at the end still have to comeback to wine and winscp. So, please.

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Re: WinSCP for Linux

@Deliveri: Krusader doesn't have PuTTY-like functionalities (SSH and telnet GUI integrated) and it's KDE.
Does someone have a good suggestion for a WinSCP look-a-like for Gnome?

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Jaroslav K.

Why don't use mc (midnight commander)?

mc is good for that (uses fish protocol).
If you need that: Right (or Left) -> Shell link...

Problem is only with custom ssh port. You can:
1) use a fix (have not tried it):
2) or add ssh alias in ~/.ssh/config (or /etc/ssh/ssh_config).

SSH alias looks like:
Host mymachinealias
Port 9022
HostKeyAlias mymachinealias

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hey guys i made winscp work by installing it on windows and then using it with linux by accessing this folder with wine
problem is i lost a lot of my data my like windows7 and the winscp installed folder
and since i can't install it on wine i can't use it anymore so what i need is a copy of the folder that's created by installing winscp on windows

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Re: WinSCP for Linux

The features I like the most in WinSCP are:

1. Connect through SSH tunnel
2. Private key authentication (both for the SSH tunnel and the Session)

Does anyone know a Linux application with these features?

Thank you!


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winscp on ubuntu

I downloaded Portable executables from and right click on downloaded file then extract here, its created a folder WinSCP, right click on WinSCP.exe SCRIPT>RUN>GUI App-as root. And is running. I didn't mentioned that I have Wine on my pc


sorry for my bad english

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a port for linux

hi there, sorry for the lame english.
it's a quite old topic... but anyway.

Tools like winscp or putty are so good because of Windows OS.
This does not mean Windows is a superior OS. It means, that windows badly lack
of good admin tools and also lack of good admins.

And it's very standardized (users "know" a whatever program should look like a windows app).

Ok, so there's obviously absolutly no need for winscp or putty running on Linux.
Because everything is already here in all distros. But sometimes just in command lines.

Want a ssh session? Just type ssh.

The "problem" comes with GUI front end or gui apps. Because there's so much choice...
What is the good one? You are free to decide.

The argument... "I do not switch because of Photoshop or games or music progams" is understandable... "I do not switch because of winscp" sounds crazy. Just a lack of knowledge or too much lazyness.

I mean WinSCP is a very good app for windows. A perfectly redondant useless app for Linux.

So... the thing about wine and secure. A lack of understanding of both what is linux security and what is WINE.

And about the port.

It can be ported in less than one day without any problem. All libraries are here but VCL wich is ex borland / ex inprise / Codegear. But it's just a question of visuals.

Qt looks like VCL.

Anyway, there's a RAD called LAZARUS, and it can use Borland / whatever.dfm (forms files). It also have a very rich VCL like component palette with a very good compatibility. Porting from C++ to O.O. pascal is straight forward. And i ask my self if the last RAD from CodeGear (XE3 i think) can not compile directly for the linux target. (mac os and i-device i'm sure).

The point is... Why the hell? Another SSH/sftp and so on client? Who really cares in the real linux world.

This program is great because it gives windows users what linux users have for eons.

Keep it running on Windows or browse internet for a client that meets your needs on linux.

Good work anyway.

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So ??

zCarver said "The "problem" comes with GUI front end or gui apps. Because there's so much choice...
What is the good one? You are free to decide. "

You talk a good game but you didn't list anything. You just waved your hands around.

So the epic thing that everyone knows rocks about WinSCP is that you can easily browse to any folder and double click a file and the file will load into your editor of choice based on extension masking. It also runs VERY fast with a low memory footprint.

Can you please direct us to the equivalent Linux tool that is very fast and makes client-side file editing a snap? Something that doesn't require you to click any prompt dialog boxes when you save back to the server. It should be seamless just like WinSCP client-side editing.

Obviously, evangelism is necessary. If you've got a rock solid suggestion to evangelize on Linux, then do it. Look at FileZilla for instance. Everyone evangelizes that tool and so everyone else uses it. Sad fact is that FileZilla is garbage for anyone who wants a streamlined way to edit server-side files locally. It just goes to show that its all in your ability to direct people to the tools.

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run WinSCP under Linux


To run WinSCP under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04), follow these steps:

1) sudo apt-get install wine (run this one time only, to get 'wine' in your system, if you haven't it)
2) download "Portable executable" from
3) make a folder and put the content of zip file in this folder
4) open a terminal
5) type "sudo su"
6) type "wine WinSCP.exe"

Done! WinSCP will run like in Windows environment!

Best regards.

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run WinSCP under Linux

File association does not work on Wine in Ubuntu :cry:
PHPStorm install in Ubuntu, WinScp in Wine, error

<invalid links removed>

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: run WinSCP under Linux

darkleech wrote:

File association does not work on Wine in Ubuntu :cry:
PHPStorm install in Ubuntu, WinScp in Wine, error

<invalid links removed>
(Please start a new topic for this.)
Do you have Windows or Linux version of PHPStorm installed?

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Re: Krusader

snowman wrote:

I agree that WinSCP is wonderful and does work under WINE.
In Linux I use Krusader which works great

I've been using WinSCP for a little while now. Download the portable
version. Run in under Wine. It works for me running Linux Ubuntu,
Zorin as it's skin.

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winscp on linux IS important

having a native port of winscp to linux IS important and very useful.

First, it pairs very well with putty. putty is very good for many reasons. But the most important to me is the fabulous support of digital certificates. I support MANY remote linux systems and we only allow remote access with digital certificates and NOT usernames/passwords.

winscp besides having a very good view of both local and remote files supports the same digital certificates one uses in putty! This makes configuring winscp very easy when using certificates.

Many of the other posters here missed this most important feature. For example, filezilla is a pain in the backside to try and use it for digital certs. I stopped using it on windows LONG ago in leiu of winscp. I will not use it on linux for the same reasons.

So there are no good equivalents of winscp on linux. that is why we need a linux port.


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Re: run WinSCP under Linux

NABA wrote:


To run WinSCP under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04), follow these steps:

1) sudo apt-get install wine (run this one time only, to get 'wine' in your system, if you haven't it)
2) download "Portable executable" from
3) make a folder and put the content of zip file in this folder
4) open a terminal
5) type "sudo su"
6) type "wine WinSCP.exe"

Done! WinSCP will run like in Windows environment!

Best regards.

I get this error message from the terminal when doing this:

Wine: cannot find L"C\\windows\\system32\\WinSCP.exe

There has to be a simple trick to overcopme this...?

Any help will be apreciated.

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Re: run WinSCP under Linux

Anonymous wrote:

NABA wrote:


To run WinSCP under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04), follow these steps:

1) sudo apt-get install wine (run this one time only, to get 'wine' in your system, if you haven't it)
2) download "Portable executable" from
3) make a folder and put the content of zip file in this folder
4) open a terminal
5) type "sudo su"
6) type "wine WinSCP.exe"

Done! WinSCP will run like in Windows environment!

Best regards.

I get this error message from the terminal when doing this:

Wine: cannot find L"C\\windows\\system32\\WinSCP.exe

There has to be a simple trick to overcopme this...?

Any help will be apreciated.

You have to guide wine to find the exe. Before launching, change the directory to the one you unpacked the zip to in step 3.

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Re: WinSCP for Linux

winscp can be used with linux. you have to install xedo on the linux server and vpn but it does work, I have used it in the past. Sorry dont have it setup anymore but their is documentation on the net, I have used it and its not bad.

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Luis Veiga

WinSCP Linux

Good morning, download WinSCP Portable.
then create the winscp.desktop file in the folder and add the following content:
[Desktop Entry]
Version = 1.0
Encoding = UTF-8
Name = WinSCP
Type = Application
Exec = wine / folder path winscp / WinSCP.exe
Terminal = false
Icon = // folder path winscp / icon.png
Comment = WinSCP
Categories = Applications;
StartupNotify = true
Then copy the file to / usr / share / applications /

give the permission to the file and just execute it

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saud avatar

I also wanted to say this excellent software should be ported to Linux, I installed Debian 11 on all my computers since Windows 11 is not supported on my hardware. I am pretty sure more people are going to move to Linux in the near future since Microsoft does not want to support old hardware. Please seriously consider making a native WinSCP for Linux.

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Hi, maybe I have a suggestion, though I have no idea whether this is still applicable, but after reading the reply that WinSCP is built using VCL, I did a bit of googling and I came across that there exists a thing called CrossVCL, which is a new cross platform implementation of VCL.
I haven't done anything with it, but it got my attention because I have also worked on Delphi VCL projects in my life, apart from being primarily a C# .NET developer (and also a big Linux fan these days).
Might it be possible to port WinSCP to that?

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Site Admin
martin avatar

@TCB13: Thanks for your donation!
Though, it's not about money (only). We do not have experience and capacity to build and maintain a Linux version.

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TCB13 avatar

@martin: You're welcome, and thank you for the clarification about the Linux version. Maybe one day you guys can get the resources/people needed to develop and maintain that.

Meanwhile WinSCP is indeed a very well coded tool, totally worth it.

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