Timeout waiting for external console
OS- Windows 2003 server
executing the the following always results in a GUI pop up window with the text "Timeout waiting for external console". When I check the remote system only a portion of the files have been transferred before the error occurs. The error usually occurs 45-60 seconds after winscp starts.
Any suggestions to fix ?
etime = DateAdd("s",600,Now)
Set oExec2 = wshell.exec(cmd)
Do until oExec2.Status
wscript.echo Now & " Waiting For Transfer Task to Complete"
wscript.sleep 10000
IF Now > etime THEN
wscript.echo Now & " Transfer did not complete within 10 minutes"
wscript.quit 8
where cmd = "c:\program files\winscp3\winscp3.com" user@aix3 /ini=d:\cmdlib\winscp\winscp3.ini /script=d:\srm\austin1\ftp_aix3.txt
the script file contains:
option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
rm /var/adm/perfmgr/daily/austin1/*stat*
rm /var/adm/perfmgr/daily/austin1/process*
lcd d:\SRM\AUSTIN1\reports
cd /home/srmserv/junk
cd /var/adm/perfmgr/daily/austin1
put *stat*
put process*
chmod 640 *stat*
chmod 640 process*