1-session Queue and/or file browsing without session
It's a confusing topic, sorry, I'll try to explain:
I know a lot of FTP-Servers that restrict sessions to one connection per IP. The "Copying"-Window though blocks the entire program, so you cannot do anything without either opening another instance of WinSCP or having a second session and doing a background transfer.
If there is only 1 session possible, it will query for a password every time, as the session cannot connect, and delete the entry out of the queue if it is still not possible to connect.
In my opinion, it would be handy to do background transfers even if there is only one available session, using the current session for transfer. This would make it impossible to browse the directory until either a new session is free or the transfer is finished.
It would be interesting, again in my opinion, because of these reasons:
- There is a possibility to set background transfer as default. With a lot of opportunities existing where this just doesn't work the way it is, it can be annoying
- It is not possible to close the current browsing session to still enable background transfer on one session only
- It would be a handy fallback and it would make the usage more comfortable (the copying-window which blocks the entire app is slightly uncomfortable)