Don't exit unless I say to exit.



Don't exit unless I say to exit.

I've found that when I sftp somewhere and connection gets lost, and I say not to reconnect, winscp closes. I'd like to see it stay open unless explicitly closed by, file..exit. Otherwise, it kind of gets teadious to go: start...programs...winscp...winscp, everytime I get disconnected, or can't reconnect for a short period of time.

I'm sorry if this has been discussed previously, I couldn't find it if it was...

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Don't exit unless I say to exit.

If you say not to reconnect, WinSCP should display login dialog. It does not for you? Which version are you using? Have you tried the latest one? Log file can be also useful.

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I'm sorry, I should have re-phrased my request.

What I mean to say is..

It would be a lot more intuitive if, under the file menu, there was an exit object to select (in replace of the current "diconnect" object). And the program would ONLY exit under explicit call of exit. Disconnect is already listed where it should be under session. However, disconnect exits the program, which it should not do (it should only close the connection/bring up the connection dialog for reconnection).
In other words, there is currently no way to disconnect and then reconnect without exiting the program or creating a new connection window.

I was considering just doing this myself in the code, but it would be much better if it was actually implemented in the current version, thus, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

I do not know to which program interface are you referring.

Norton commander interface - "Disconnect" command is in Session menu. "Quit" command is in Commands menu.

Explorer-like interface - "Disconnect" command is both in File and Session menu. "Quit" command is in Commands menu.

"Disconnect" command disconnects current session. If there were other sessions connected, one of them is activated. If not, login dialog is shown.
"Quit" command closes all sessions and exits application.

Does it work for you this way? If not, are you sure that you have the latest version installed?

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I must have had an earlier version.
I downloaded the latest version today.
Every works as expected now, except when I click the close button on the login screen. It exits me out of the whole program. My suggestion might be to rename the close button to "exit" or "quit".

Coming from a windows user's perspective, traditionally the "quit" or "exit" command is under the file menu. If this were linux, I'd say do whatever you want.
My suggestion here, might be to move the "quit" command from the commands menu, and place it in the file menu. Then remove the disconnect command from the file menu under the explorer-view. this seems more intuitive, but of course, it's just a suggestion, and I don't have the time to build my own version.


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I would have to agree. I think you should rename the close button to quit. This took me off guard the first time.

Quit should also belong in the file menu.

It took me a while to figure out how everything works too.

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winscp 5.17.9 - Windows 7 pro - closes app when session is disconnected.

I am using Windows 7 and winscp 5.17.9, latest release at the moement of writing this.

When the app opens, I get prompted to connect to a site.
If I close the SEssion Manager, or I close the (last) ftp session to a site, the entire app closes.
I do not see this behaviour when I use the same app installed in a Windows Server 2012 R datacenter.
I do not remember having configured anything different on these two installations.
I wish winscp did not close the app when I am not connected to a site.

Any advise?
Marcelo F

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Re: winscp 5.17.9 - Windows 7 pro - closes app when session is disconnected.

Update: found it. (oops! hadnt seen it before ...)

Options > Preferences > Environment > Window > KEEP main window open when the last session is closed.


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