Filter for File Panel Needs Enhancement



Filter for File Panel Needs Enhancement


I am one of the users who was delighted by the additional of the filter to the file panel. However, there is one thing that I noticed that could be improved with this filter. On a large directory with so many files under it. It appears that WinSCP scans through all the files first before apply the filter which can sometimes take a very long time. It would be great that if a filter has been applied that the program will just scan for files that matches the filter criteria, so that the results would return a whole lot faster. So far, I have used WS_FTP which has this feature.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Filter for File Panel Needs Enhancement

Do you mean filtering local or remote directory?
Problem here is that WinSCP has unified syntax for specifying file mask used for many of its features. If you want to filter files out of WinSCP, i.e. either by Windows to filter local files or by server to filter remote files, you are limited by syntax that the other side supports. I can imagine improvement for filtering local files, where I know what Windows do support. So as long as you use subset of filter mask syntax that Windows understands (e..g simple *.txt), I can delegate the filtering to Windows. But this can hardly work for remote files. First, SFTP protocol does not allow filtering at all. FTP protocol does not forbid that, though it does not mention that either. So it does not specify any syntax to do so. I.e. some servers may not support it at all, others have different syntax. What do I do about it?

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