WinSCP & F-Secure SSH Server



WinSCP & F-Secure SSH Server

WinSCP refuses to connect to a host with the F-Secure SSH Server.
Is this a Putty issue or an OpenSSH issue?
I have tested the pscp command and works fine, but the plink command doesn't work propertly.

Is there a fix for this? The program I'm developping needs to connect to windows machines via ssh, are there also problems with the cygwin ssh server?

Thanks you.


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Seems to be Putty problem. (You of course tried to contact the F-Secure with SFTP as it does not give you unix style shell by default, so you can not connect to it by WinSCP... though normal commandline putty or other SCP will work just fine.) I tried to contact to F-Secure SSH Server with Unix SFTP and that worked, but Putty's PSFTP did not work either. So it seems that the problem is with putty SFTP.
BUT I did not try other methods than password... so maybe keys work...?

SSH/F-Secure SSH Server is the only way to get chrooted sessions to Windows... the open source software doesn't provide this. Unfortunately at this point there do not seem to be working (free) graphical sftp client - untill putty/WinSCP people can fix the putty SFTP.

I've been waiting for this a long time... would provide me a easier way to share files with my family and friends. (I've triedn Cygwin and WinSCP... but I didn't like the fact that I could not create chrooted sessions.)

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

As with previous post, I still do not understand what is the problem? Are you not able to create SSH session or does it fail later (when initializing SCP/SFTP protocol)? What protocol are trying to use? Can you post a log file?

Also for SFTP WinSCP does not need unix style paths. It works just well with Vandyke shell for Windows, which has paths in format c:/windows/xxxx.

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Hi prikryl,

I'm not the one that posted the above message (Guest).
The error is this:
Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended).
Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 1.

But I have found the cause, and it's not the shell. It's that I haven't read the F-secure documentation and I thought that the server supported both SSH1 and SSH2 connections, but it only support SSH2, and I was trying to log in with SCP protocol. All works fine with SFTP protocol, but I don't understand why I can't execute commands and binaries, because if I log in with putty interface with SSH2 protocol I can execute commands and so on.
With plink there are problems, but not with the putty interface. I don't understand this, cause if I can log in normally with putty I also should be able lo log in with plink normally. The problem is that when I log in with plink, the prompt is like this:
and every key pushed causes a carrige return and new line. Also if I specify the command in the plink parameters it gives me this error:
FATAL ERROR: Unexpected response to shell/command request: packet type 98
With the putty interface there are also one issue, and it's that in the console appears a line (like a grid but with no column lines) between every two rows.
I also specificated to use SSH2 with the -2 parameter but the same problem.

I know this is a putty issue and I should ask the putty developpers, but I have mailed them with some questions a month ago and they have ignored me. Sotty for bothering you.

I would like to know what shell do you recommend to use for windows with f-secure server (I think it's a shell problem because of the CR and prompt issue with plink).
An also another question, is there a way to let running the processes created by a client after it disconnects the server? It's because I have observed that f-secure server kills all processes launched by a client when it logs off.
Which is the way to execute commands with SSH2? With SSH1 and SCP you can execute them as the same way you execute the "scp" command, but with SSH2 and SFTP not, which is the way to do this?


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Link39 wrote:

But I have found the cause, and it's not the shell. It's that I haven't read the F-secure documentation and I thought that the server supported both SSH1 and SSH2 connections, but it only support SSH2, and I was trying to log in with SCP protocol. All works fine with SFTP protocol, but I don't understand why I can't execute commands and binaries, because if I log in with putty interface with SSH2 protocol I can execute commands and so on.
SFTP protocol does not allow executing commands.
See Supported transfer protocols chapter on this site. To use SCP: I do not know what shells are in F-Secure shell, the best for WinSCP is bash, ksh may be fine too.

As to your problems with plink and putty: I have no clue for you, sorry :-(

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