errors when trying compile


Zhu Sha ang

errors when trying compile

I'm trying to compile winscp. Just to try it.

I'm using Borland C++ 6.0 Enterprise.

First i'm try using IDE.

Open WinSCP project and in Project option Make Project. Occour an erro just like de first image*.

After it, i tried inside winshell, calling directly on Borland C++ Bin directories like second image*. Another error.

Someone can help me? Any Hint?

Thanks for now.

*images: <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>#

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: errors when trying compile

Zhu Sha ang wrote:

Open WinSCP project and in Project option Make Project. Occour an erro just like de first image*.
Make sure you open WinSCP project group, which includes all the libraries in right dependence order.

After it, i tried inside winshell, calling directly on Borland C++ Bin directories like second image*. Another error.
You need to set paths to your compilter tools.

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Boston, MA

Which Compiler to use in Jan 2010?? (1.5 days away)

I did much searching and reading before posting this question.

Just what is the correct compiler and compiler version to use here at the very end of 2009? I see some Borland C++ 6.0 Personal on Amazon, at a wide variety of prices. Does anyone have a rough idea as to the cost, correct version, and an honest vendor to buy from and to build the latest WinSCP?

Is Borland the best way to build?

Is there any better build option?

Thanks, Bradshaw

I am looking for anything workable and frugal for happy builds.

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martin avatar

Re: Which Compiler to use in Jan 2010?? (1.5 days away)

blupton wrote:

Just what is the correct compiler and compiler version to use here at the very end of 2009?
Still the same, Borland C++ Builder 6. See 'readme' in source code archive.

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