Error Retriveing File



Error Retriveing File


I'm attempting to download some files via a script and manually, and each returns the same error every time. The file almost completes downloading before this message appears:

* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 Bad message (badly formatted packet or protocol incompatibility).
* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 Error code: 5
* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 Error message from server: Bad message
* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 Request code: 5

I've enabled logging during this event and here is the relevant snippet. Host and usernames have been obscured for security purposes. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.581 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.581 WinSCP Version 4.2.8 (Build 818) (OS 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2)
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.581 Login time: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 11:33:54 AM
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.581 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2010-09-22 11:33:54.596 Looking up host "***.***.**.***"
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.596 Connecting to ***.***.***.***port 61023
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.643 Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.643 We believe remote version has SSH-2 ignore bug
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.643 Using SSH protocol version 2
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.643 We claim version: SSH-2.0-WinSCP_release_4.2.8
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.659 Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.706 Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange with hash SHA-1
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.987 Host key fingerprint is:
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.987 ssh-rsa ****
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.987 Initialised triple-DES CBC client->server encryption
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.987 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.987 Initialised triple-DES CBC server->client encryption
. 2010-09-22 11:33:54.987 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
! 2010-09-22 11:33:55.050 Using username "user".
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.065 Prompt (6, SSH password, , &Password: )
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.065 Using stored password.
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.065 Sent password
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.221 Access granted
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.221 Opened channel for session
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.284 Started a shell/command
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.284 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.581 Using SFTP protocol.
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.581 Doing startup conversation with host.
> 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 Type: SSH_FXP_INIT, Size: 5, Number: -1
< 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 Type: SSH_FXP_VERSION, Size: 5, Number: -1
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 SFTP version 3 negotiated.
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 We believe the server has signed timestamps bug
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 We will use UTF-8 strings for status messages only
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 Limiting packet size to OpenSSH sftp-server limit of 262148 bytes
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 Getting current directory name.
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 Getting real path for '.'
> 2010-09-22 11:33:55.596 Type: SSH_FXP_REALPATH, Size: 10, Number: 16
< 2010-09-22 11:33:55.612 Type: SSH_FXP_NAME, Size: 39, Number: 16
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.612 Real path is '/home'
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.612 Listing directory "/home".
> 2010-09-22 11:33:55.612 Type: SSH_FXP_OPENDIR, Size: 18, Number: 267
< 2010-09-22 11:33:55.690 Type: SSH_FXP_HANDLE, Size: 13, Number: 267
> 2010-09-22 11:33:55.690 Type: SSH_FXP_READDIR, Size: 13, Number: 524
< 2010-09-22 11:33:55.706 Type: SSH_FXP_NAME, Size: 3278, Number: 524
> 2010-09-22 11:33:55.706 Type: SSH_FXP_READDIR, Size: 13, Number: 780
< 2010-09-22 11:33:55.706 Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 28, Number: 780
< 2010-09-22 11:33:55.706 Status code: 1
> 2010-09-22 11:33:55.706 Type: SSH_FXP_CLOSE, Size: 13, Number: 1028
. 2010-09-22 11:33:55.706 Startup conversation with host finished.
. 2010-09-22 11:34:12.299 File: "/home/PRTE002.100920.2144.37c2nf5v"
. 2010-09-22 11:34:12.299 Copying "/home/PRTE002.100920.2144.37c2nf5v" to local directory started.
. 2010-09-22 11:34:12.299 Binary transfer mode selected.
. 2010-09-22 11:34:12.315 Opening remote file.
> 2010-09-22 11:34:12.315 Type: SSH_FXP_OPEN, Size: 55, Number: 1283
< 2010-09-22 11:34:12.315 Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 24, Number: 1028
. 2010-09-22 11:34:12.315 Discarding reserved response
< 2010-09-22 11:34:12.378 Type: SSH_FXP_HANDLE, Size: 13, Number: 1283
> 2010-09-22 11:34:12.378 Type: SSH_FXP_READ, Size: 25, Number: 1797
< 2010-09-22 11:34:56.065 Status code: 5, Message: 534021, Server: Bad message, Language:
. 2010-09-22 11:34:56.127 4165 skipped SSH_FXP_WRITE, SSH_FXP_READ, SSH_FXP_DATA and SSH_FXP_STATUS packets.
> 2010-09-22 11:34:56.127 Type: SSH_FXP_CLOSE, Size: 13, Number: 535044
* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 (ECommand) Copying files from remote side failed.
* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 Bad message (badly formatted packet or protocol incompatibility).
* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 Error code: 5
* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 Error message from server: Bad message
* 2010-09-22 11:34:56.143 Request code: 5

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After some experimentation with the Putty SFTP client, the same error happens with it. This appears to be some issue with the current Putty version and the server. It is using an older version of OpenSSH. If anyone knows of a work around or solution to this it would solve some major headaches in a small automation project.

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