Automation Script Not Working!



Automation Script Not Working!

I have tried everything to get this script to work. Not sure where I am going wrong. As far as I can tell from all of the stuff I have read, the script should look like this: /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "session Test_Backup" "synchronize \Test\ /test/" "exit"

I have created and tested a session in WINSCP called Test_Backup. All pathes exist locally and on the remote server. The server is using SSL Explicit encryption, I do know the key, user name and password. The connection can be made manually and works fine. Not sure where I am going wrong here?


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I have now got most of the script working. I created a log file of the script and it gets to the synchronize line then fails. /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open "Test_Backup"" "synchronize -remote C:\Test\ /test/" "exit"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I have fixed the script. The following line does exactly what I want it to do: /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open "Test_Backup"" "synchronize remote C:\Test\ /Test/" "exit"

I do have two features which I would like to add to this script if possible. The script will be running every night and it will be uploading a single zip file. I would like it to only keep one weeks worth of zip files in the remote folder. I would also like it to e-mail me a confirmation that the zip file was synched to the remote folder without error.

1. Can I use a command to delete the file which is more than 7 days old every time it syncs? Or, alternatively, can it automatically delete older files if there are more than 6 existing in the remote directory?
2. Can I write a command which will send a success/failed email every night so I know the status of the file sync?

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Anonymous wrote:

1. Can I use a command to delete the file which is more than 7 days old every time it syncs? Or, alternatively, can it automatically delete older files if there are more than 6 existing in the remote directory?
Not easily.
This example may give you home hint:
Also your task becomes way easier once WinSCP .NET assembly is released (in about week time):

2. Can I write a command which will send a success/failed email every night so I know the status of the file sync?
See documentation:

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