Problem transferring .docx and .xlsx files



Problem transferring .docx and .xlsx files

I use WinSCP to transfer files from my machine to a server which hosts files for a website. When I transfer .docx and .xlsx files and view them from the server (via hyperlnks on htm files), instead of prompting to download the .docx or .xlsx file, it prompts to download a zip file containing several folders and documents. The folders mostly contain xml files.

If I change the original .docx file and save as a .doc file, the .doc file transfers just fine. When I click the link on the server, it prompts me to save the .doc file.

What am I doing wrong?

I am using;
- WinSCP version 4.3.9 (Build 1817)
- Windows 7 (64 bit)
- Office 2010

When I transfer, I use the "Default" mode. I simply drag and drop my files from the left pane to the right pane. I haven't made any changes to the default setting. I did try transferring the files in the "Binary" mode, but that didn't have any effect.
Thank you!

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Problem transferring .docx and .xlsx files

This is likely out of topic of this forum. Anyway...

The .docx and .xmlx are actually ZIP files with loads of XML and other files inside.

Something (maybe your server) is probably too smart and detects that the files are ZIPs and marks them as such (using Content-Type header), what makes your browser interpret them as ZIP, despite them not having the .zip extension. (This is just a wild guess)

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Re: Problem transferring .docx and .xlsx files

Thank you for your response! I will forward this information to our IT department and hopefully they can fix the issue.

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Re: Problem transferring .docx and .xlsx files

IT department figured out that this is not an WinSCP issue - this is an IE8 issue. To back that up, when I click on the link from Firefox or Chrome, it downloads the .docx and .xlsx files just fine. So the files are being transferred just fine (as you had indicated).


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Xlsx file corrupted after copying from Unix to windows using winscp

I’m unable to open a file that I copied from Unix to windows using Winscp. The xlsx file was compressed using gzip.

Please let me me know how I can move xlsx files from Unix to windows and still be able to open them on windows and edit them.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Xlsx file corrupted after copying from Unix to windows using winscp

Azeem wrote:

I’m unable to open a file that I copied from Unix to windows using Winscp. The xlsx file was compressed using gzip.

Please let me me know how I can move xlsx files from Unix to windows and still be able to open them on windows and edit them.
Sorry, but that's too broad question.
Please start a new topic and explain better the gzip part. Did you decompress the file after download?

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