WinSCP COM object in python



WinSCP COM object in python

Hi, all!
I have problem with using winscp COM lib. I try to use it in python script (through win32com.client.Dispatch() - but error raised). I think the reason is that com lib did not istalled correctly
I did everything as described in this article :
- installed winscp
- put winscp.dll in winscp setup directory
- installed in gac with gacutil.exe
- installed COM with regasm.exe
but however i can't see it in possible references in VB6 projects or in .NET projects. only if set up the path to lib manually ( winscp.tlb in VB6 or winscp.dll in VS)
i have even register it in Component Services as COM+ Application Services. but nothing has changed
what i'm doing wrong?

PS: OS - win7 x64

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