Windows 7 console mode –- gethostbyname: unknown error



Windows 7 console mode –- gethostbyname: unknown error

When running WinSCP (tried with both 4.1.9 and 4.2.4, same results) from a network drive in console mode on Windows 7 (32 bit ultimate edition), it refuses to connect to any server.
open scp://user:pass@servername
open scp://user:pass@ip.address
Running either of the above results in a "gethostbyname: unknown error".

I can connect to the server (by hostname or ip address) using SSH with PuTTY perfectly fine (even when putty.exe is on a network drive).

If I copy the WinSCP executable locally then it connects ok, and it connects ok if I run it from a network drive on Windows XP. Any chance this can be fixed?

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Windows 7 console mode - gethostbyname: unknown error

I do not see a reason for that. And I do not have Windows 7 yet, so I cannot test it myself. Will see once I have a copy of Windows 7.

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It's very odd. I looked into it some more today and found that it actually gives a different error if i try and connect by ip address instead of hostname:

Using ip address gives: "Network error: Invalid argument"
Using hostname gives: "gethostbyname: unknown error"

...the odd thing is that it doesn't happen on every network drive, it's only happening on one particular drive. I'm trying to figure out what's different about that drive but not having much luck.

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Any resolution on this?

Indeed. I have run into this exact same issue. I fear it's an OpenSSH / PuTTY issue, as I've been able to replicate the problem with FileZilla, PuTTY, and OpenSSH Client. All fail with the same "gethostbyname: unknown error" when running from the same network drive (happens to be home directory). Other network drives, they work fine. I've got full control on both share and NTFS perms. Bizarre.

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Re: Windows 7 console mode - gethostbyname: unknown error

Actually this issue appears with KiTTY, too.
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Is there any new knowledge regarding this issue?

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Re: Windows 7 console mode - gethostbyname: unknown error

Maybe a hint:
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Montag, 27. April 2009 13:34

Namespace Service Provide changes in Vista
Windows Desktop Development

Windows Desktop SDK

Hi Guys,

I have a NSP that runs fine on XP. But I am now testing it on Vista SP1 and observing a behaviour which is not documented anywhere.

My NSP makes gethostbyname fail for ping, putty or IE. But if I test it with a test app written in VS2008, it works fine.

I checked that when I run my test app, I get flags as 0x210 and protocol as 2 in NSPLookupServiceBegin,
. Whereas when I run putty or ping, I get 0x300110 in flags and protocol as 0, which then result in failure of gethostbyname.

Putty reports: gethostbyname failed : unknown error.

Could you please help me how you resolved your errors?

I can dump the structures that I return if you need.

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I had the same issue with PuTTY, and I got the error fixed by moving PuTTY.exe to a directory where I have full rights (home directory).

Depending on where you execute PuTTY.exe, Windows 7 may not allow the same level of rights.


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check the share permission


We have the same issue.

If you run Putty or WinSCP over a share :
We have change the share permission
Before Authencate users -> Full control = not work
Everyone -> Full Control = work

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