Global Keepalives option


Lemon Juice

Global Keepalives option

I find myself needing to set the "Keepalives" option for all my saved connections to that my SSH or FTP connections are prevented from being disconnected. Can this be achieved somehow? If not, would it be a reasonable feature request?

The reason I need this is that I have one ISP that just drops FTP/SSH connections after a few minutes of inactivity for all servers so my need for enabling/disabling keep alive is not server-specific but depends on my current internet connection. I have more than 30 stored connections and changing this setting for each one is tedious and I'd preferably like to change it every time I change my ISP.

That's why a global setting for SSH and FTP keep alive would be really useful here. The simplest would be "use these global keep alive settings for all connections that have keep alive set to off" - but whatever solution you think best would be fine.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Global Keepalives option

No it's not possible. You can set default session settings, but those apply to future sessions only.
I'll consider your suggestion.

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martin wrote:

I'll consider your suggestion.

That would be great!

I am using WinSCP from within another application which is passing connection settings via commandline, so I have no way of setting a keepalive option. Very often I have a file open in my editor for several hours and don't notice that my changes were not applied because the session had timed out in the background.

This is a real pain, so the only solution would either be a global option for a keepalive in all new connections, even if they are opened from the command line, or a really transparent and reliable auto-reconnection without user intervention, as the dialog may be covered by other windows. I could also live with a commandline option for keepalives, but unfortunately the documentation says it "has a very limited effect", what ever that means.

Any news on this issue?

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