SSH host key fingerprint "sha-rsa 2048 does not match patter
I'm trying to transfer some files using the winscp.dll and receiving an exception on the fingerprint format.
This is the Server Options info I have from the winscp console.
#File transfer protocol = FTP
#Cryptographic protocol = TLS Explicit encryption, TLSv1.2
#Encryption algorithm = TLSv1/SSLv3: RC4-SHA, 2048 bit RSA
#Compression = No
#Certificate fingerprint
Here are some ways I've formatted the statements.
$sessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-dss 2048 78:b7:ed:6a:2a:6d:06:61:ae:7d:f6:e5:75:7c:0d:68:cc:aa:37:78"
$sessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-rsa 1024 78:b7:ed:6a:2a:6d:06:61:ae:7d:f6:e5:75:7c:0d:68:cc:aa:37:78"
This works but throws an error later saying it still needs a key.
$sessionOptions.SslHostCertificateFingerprint = "78:b7:ed:6a:2a:6d:06:61:ae:7d:f6:e5:75:7c:0d:68:cc:aa:37:78"
Not sure what I'm missing!
Thanks for help!
This is the Server Options info I have from the winscp console.
#File transfer protocol = FTP
#Cryptographic protocol = TLS Explicit encryption, TLSv1.2
#Encryption algorithm = TLSv1/SSLv3: RC4-SHA, 2048 bit RSA
#Compression = No
#Certificate fingerprint
Here are some ways I've formatted the statements.
$sessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-dss 2048 78:b7:ed:6a:2a:6d:06:61:ae:7d:f6:e5:75:7c:0d:68:cc:aa:37:78"
$sessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-rsa 1024 78:b7:ed:6a:2a:6d:06:61:ae:7d:f6:e5:75:7c:0d:68:cc:aa:37:78"
This works but throws an error later saying it still needs a key.
$sessionOptions.SslHostCertificateFingerprint = "78:b7:ed:6a:2a:6d:06:61:ae:7d:f6:e5:75:7c:0d:68:cc:aa:37:78"
Not sure what I'm missing!
Thanks for help!