A few Issues and Error: Class TAnimate not found



A few Issues and Error: Class TAnimate not found

Dear all,

First issue I'm facing from time to time, is that WinSCP stops working and present the error message "Class TAnimate not found". After clicking away the error message the right panel of the command view is gone and WinSCP has to be restarted. Please see the attached PNG for a screenshort.

The second issue is that I have a few workspace that I'm using to connect to my machines in one go. However, I cannot manage to keep the workspace from being saved when exiting WinSCP. If i click OK in the "Workspace 'XXX' will be saved" dialog, then some machine might be gone from the workspace. Checking "Never ask me again" also seems not right, because that raises the impression that the dialog will be gone, but the workspace will be saved. Am I doing something wrong here or is there an issue (or feature request)?

Third, it seems that when "Transfer each file individually" is checked in the preferences, then you cannot confirm transfers using "Yes to all", "No to all", etc. It would be great if WinSCP could remember which files had been dropped and then takes an effect of the decision for all of the dropped files (or if need be for all files in the queue that would be waiting for a decision to be made).

My WinSCP version is 5.7.1 on Windows 8. All updates have been installed on the Windows system.


Description: Screenshot w/ error message.


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: A few Issues and Error: Class TAnimate not found

Thanks for your report.

First issue I'm facing from time to time, is that WinSCP stops working and present the error message "Class TAnimate not found". After clicking away the error message the right panel of the command view is gone and WinSCP has to be restarted. Please see the attached PNG for a screenshort.
Are you able to reproduce this in a reasonable time?

The second issue is that I have a few workspace that I'm using to connect to my machines in one go. However, I cannot manage to keep the workspace from being saved when exiting WinSCP. If i click OK in the "Workspace 'XXX' will be saved" dialog, then some machine might be gone from the workspace. Checking "Never ask me again" also seems not right, because that raises the impression that the dialog will be gone, but the workspace will be saved. Am I doing something wrong here or is there an issue (or feature request)?
I'm not sure I understand. Do you have Automatically save workspace on exit on or off?
What is an exact wording of the prompt you refer to?

Third, it seems that when "Transfer each file individually" is checked in the preferences, then you cannot confirm transfers using "Yes to all", "No to all", etc. It would be great if WinSCP could remember which files had been dropped and then takes an effect of the decision for all of the dropped files (or if need be for all files in the queue that would be waiting for a decision to be made).
That's true. Will try to improve this.

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Re: A few Issues and Error: Class TAnimate not found

martin wrote:

Thanks for your report.

No problem! Thanks for listening to my report! :-D

martin wrote:

First issue I'm facing from time to time, is that WinSCP stops working and present the error message "Class TAnimate not found". After clicking away the error message the right panel of the command view is gone and WinSCP has to be restarted. Please see the attached PNG for a screenshort.
Are you able to reproduce this in a reasonable time?

I will try to reproduce it. So far, I do not see a pattern. If there's any debugging feature that you would like me to turn so that you can get more information about what was happening, please let me know. I can also use the VS debugger to look into the process, but I would need some guidance on where to look.

martin wrote:

The second issue is that I have a few workspace that I'm using to connect to my machines in one go. However, I cannot manage to keep the workspace from being saved when exiting WinSCP. If i click OK in the "Workspace 'XXX' will be saved" dialog, then some machine might be gone from the workspace. Checking "Never ask me again" also seems not right, because that raises the impression that the dialog will be gone, but the workspace will be saved. Am I doing something wrong here or is there an issue (or feature request)?
I'm not sure I understand. Do you have Automatically save workspace on exit on or off?
What is an exact wording of the prompt you refer to?

I might have misunderstood that option then. I thought it would only apply to the default workspace. I will turn off this option, so that WinSCP does not save the workspace anymore and then manually save the workspaces from time to time. Works for me.

martin wrote:

Third, it seems that when "Transfer each file individually" is checked in the preferences, then you cannot confirm transfers using "Yes to all", "No to all", etc. It would be great if WinSCP could remember which files had been dropped and then takes an effect of the decision for all of the dropped files (or if need be for all files in the queue that would be waiting for a decision to be made).
That's true. Will try to improve this.

Cool! Thanks!


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: A few Issues and Error: Class TAnimate not found

mjklemm wrote:

I will try to reproduce it. So far, I do not see a pattern. If there's any debugging feature that you would like me to turn so that you can get more information about what was happening, please let me know. I can also use the VS debugger to look into the process, but I would need some guidance on where to look.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

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Re: A few Issues and Error: Class TAnimate not found


martin wrote:

mjklemm wrote:

I will try to reproduce it. So far, I do not see a pattern. If there's any debugging feature that you would like me to turn so that you can get more information about what was happening, please let me know. I can also use the VS debugger to look into the process, but I would need some guidance on where to look.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

I have not received the email. I guess that the email firewall has filtered your email. Can you share a download link with me?


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Karel Dytrych

Class TAnimate not found

I'm getting "Class TAnimate not found" almost every week. It never hapeeaned in previous versions. I have Win 10 and WinSCP 5.7.6.

How to turn on debugging mode? I would like to give you more info...

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Class TAnimate not found

Thanks for your report.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

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